Woman navigating her sobriety journey smiles in photos, enjoying her sober life

12 Tips For Navigating Your Sobriety Journey

“In January 2020, I showed up to a new job intoxicated and high. After, I went on a two-day bender, where I didn’t stop drinking. I knew I needed help. Little did I know, a few months later the world was about to change forever.”

If I Knew Then, I Would Have Slowed Down A Bit More

“I would have hugged you more, even when you pushed me away. I would have kept you firmly planted on my hip, never knowing what day would be the last before you’d want to walk side by side. I would have snuggled a few more minutes before bedtime, because I know now those extra minutes only meant one thing… more time with you.”

‘Nick went from the world’s best husband to the world’s best infertility med administrator. As my faith wavered, his positivity never faltered.’: PCOS warrior candidly shares infertility journey

“We were two high schoolers sitting in the front seat of a pick-up, planning for the future. Falling in love at 17, we made plans for where we’d live, what we’d do, who we’d be together. We joked about names for our future babies, who they’d look like. Never in a million years did we realize our journey to becoming parents would look like this.”