
Marry The One Who Chooses Love, Even When It’s Hard

“The one who sneaks extra kisses. The one who doesn’t mind doing the dishes, or the laundry, or the cooking…whatever needs to be done. The one who supports you in everything that matters to your heart, from your silliest ideas to your grandest dreams.”

7 Tips To Help Manage Grief

“After the funeral is over though, what’s next? Here are just a few ways I have found that helped ease the pain of my grief.”

‘Please don’t leave me! I don’t want to die! I thought about my parents and wondered if this was how my life would end.’: College football player paralyzed by distracted driver

“The oncoming car was crossing the double yellow line, coming straight at us. In that moment, I saw the woman who was driving. She was looking down, and the blue light of a device lit her face in the growing darkness around us. I felt my body tensing for the toughest tackle of my life. It was like watching an eerie slow-motion playback from a big game.”