Waiting for the school bus every morning used to be a hassle for 5-year-old Ryder Kilam, but now it’s a highlight of his day.
‘This photo made it all worth it.’: Teens build bus stop shelter for 5-year-old in wheelchair
‘I still can’t believe it.’: Train slices Amazon truck in half, just missing driver
“I didn’t know what to feel, to be honest with you.”
‘Today my daughter’s teacher expressed concern over her progress report. My compliant, perfect little girl got a 72 in math.’: Mom shows grace for teacher, ‘Their eyes see things ours don’t’
“My compliant, precious, perfect little girl. The one who listens to every single word I say at home. My rule follower. Yes, ma’am and no sir. You better believe I emailed that teacher.”
‘Every day I send my daughter to school with a heart drawn on her hand.’: Mom shares heart-wrenching way she prepares for school shootings
“She’s not old enough for a phone yet. So this is the only way I can say goodbye. It’s been over a week since the most recent school shooting, so the news cycle has moved on. But I’m a mom in America, so I cannot.”
‘I RECEIVED AN OFFER TO PUBLISH MY BOOK!…But I rejected it.’: Woman urges ‘don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve’
“My fingers trembled as I typed it out. ‘I can’t believe what I just said.’ But, sometimes, we need to take a stand for what we deserve.”
‘Could you repeat that again?’ My brain was just not making the connections. I couldn’t stand it.’: Woman with learning disability openly shares her journey
“My teacher asked, ‘What happened in the story?’ I couldn’t remember anything. I felt anxious, defeated, and upset. I just wanted to give up.”
‘I gestured to my belly to indicate I was pregnant and needed to sit. I was too embarrassed to explain the truth.’: Type 1 Diabetic mom urges ‘my condition isn’t something that needs to be hidden’
“I constantly found myself afraid to eat. I sat between the sliding doors, wiping sweat off my forehead as I shakily finished the bottle of Coke. Nobody checked to make sure I was okay.”
‘I’d been agonizing over these hedges for a year.’: Pregnant woman thanks ex and his family for act of kindness, ‘I’m so grateful it hurts’
“On Sunday, my ex Kyle showed up to do the job, in the midday heat, on his one day off, out of the kindness of his heart.”
‘I look at the pile of laundry on the bed, my to-do list, and the emails, and wish I had magic.’: Mom learns to seek out magic in everyday moments
“It never seems to work though, just sitting there, wishing for magic. Until yesterday, when it did.”
‘It’s time,’ he said softly. When we divorced 8 years ago, my ex stored some of my furniture for me.’: Woman proud of ‘modern family’ she’s grown and ‘all of the wonderful ironies along with it’
“Twenty years later, I never would have thought we’d be laughing about using my family’s antique couch in the wedding photos for my ex-husband’s second marriage, but here we are.”
‘Girls threatened to beat me up, run me over. They pushed me into lockers and slapped books out of my hand.’: Woman overcomes mean girls, bullying by never giving up on herself
“I was eating lunch in the bathroom, skipping school, and failing my classes. But I realized, no matter what they said or did, none of it mattered.”
Husband In Tears After Wife Secretly Publishes Book He Wrote As A Child
“It is for sale. And you own the copyright.”
‘The feeling a little bit lost and the, ‘How does she do it?’ It’s isolating and it’s universal.’: Mom addresses ‘growing pains’ of motherhood
“I think these are the growing pains of motherhood that we don’t talk about — the words that exist beneath the surface of ‘How’s the baby?’ and ‘Are you sleeping?'”
‘People think I’m done now. I think I’m just beginning.’: 82-year-old steals hearts by getting her 1st tattoo
It’s never too late to do what you want in life.
I Survived Another Day Of Solo Parenting – Yet I Still Find Myself Wishing I Was Like Other Moms
“This is what toxic motherhood does.”
I Was Adopted At 26, Because Foster Kids Never Age Out Of The Need For Family And Belonging
“If there are two words in my life that were robbed from me, tainted for me, and distorted beyond all means, it would be ‘mom’ and ‘dad.’ Being adopted at 26 created a foundation that changed everything for me.”
‘I once knew a young, first-time foster mom. She was fearful, self-centered, and self-protective.’: Woman shares true meaning of being a foster mom
“Hi, it’s me. I’m that mom.”
‘We had only a few weeks to save her. 7,000 miles away, a doctor said, ‘I can help your baby!’: Woman thanks ‘real-life Dr. McDreamy’ for saving daughter from ‘half of a heart syndrome’ with in-womb surgery
“Ever since I was in school, Grey’s Anatomy has been my favorite show, but never in my wildest dreams did I expect life to cross lines with it like this.”
‘A nurse whispered at my bedside, ‘Pray honey, just pray.’ She squeezed my hand and reminded me to have faith as tears streamed down.’: Mom recalls traumatic birth of daughter, is thankful for ‘the gift of life’
“Everything was well. Our daughter would arrive in 10 days. Life was perfect and time felt endless. And then, I woke up suddenly. Gushing. A pop. Something so loud even my boyfriend jumped.”
‘You told the doctor your baby wasn’t going to die; everyone was talking about you.’ He pointed to my belly and said, ‘This is the baby?’: Young woman births rainbow baby despite pregnancy complications, doubt from others
“When I got pregnant the first time, I was 21 years old. I was married, but honestly, unhappy. Very quickly I came around to see the little life growing inside me was pure and innocent, and I fell in love. I decided I would try.”
‘There are incredible people in this world a phone call away.’: Wrong number sparks 20-year friendship for two strangers
“I just grabbed it and said, ‘Wait wait wait, before you go, who are you, where are you from, what are you trying to do? And we started talking.'”
4 Coping Strategies For Infertility During The Holidays
“For most of us, the holidays are a magical time of connecting with family and consuming our body weight in delicious treats. But for those of us struggling with infertility, it is full of triggers.”
‘I’m not sure I will get to meet Santa.’: Boy fighting leukemia gifted magical day to ‘be a kid again’ at North Pole
“He walked in the door, turned the corner, and his face lit up… it was magical. He forgot everything that happened in the hospital.”
‘I couldn’t be more proud. I can’t even sign at this point, I’m out of words.’: Deaf football team makes history with consecutive wins
“Deaf people can play sports. Deaf people are great athletes.”
‘He took his last breaths with our son on his chest, and my hand in his hand.’: Woman induces baby via c-section 3 weeks early so terminally ill husband can meet newborn son
“ICU doctors entered my room. ‘Your husband is declining fast. He has a matter of a few hours.’ It was either a c-section right at that moment, or Jb would not have the opportunity to meet our son. Without a question in my mind, I said, ‘Let’s go.’ Some told me they’ll never forget this act of selflessness. Some called my actions brave and heroic. I just call it love.”