‘Breast is best.’ The lactation consultant took one look at my boobs and told me to go to the ER. It looked like I was growing boils out of my nipples.’: Mom shares harrowing breastfeeding journey, urges ‘fed is best’

“It wasn’t my baby I got to bond with. It was my breast pump. It wasn’t little cries waking me at night. It was my alarm. I’d sit alone in a dark corner of a room, hook myself up to a machine, and watch as liquid was forced out of my breasts while liquid flowed freely out of my eyes.”

‘Why not press this conspicuous button and see what happens?’ I’ve never been so scared of a kitchen appliance.’: Mom shares hilarious cooking fail, urges ‘read the instructions’

“When I tell you I almost defecated all over my kitchen floor, I’m not exaggerating. I screamed and flew into the sink. I nearly fell on my ass. My life flashed before my eyes. I sincerely thought my son was going to come out and see me dead on the floor with half the instant pot sticking out of my chest.”

mom holding her child close and giving her a kiss on the hand

Dear Moms Dealing With Chronic Pain—You Are Not Alone

“The general exhaustion of pregnancy combined with the constant lifting and putting down, feeding of a newborn, and hands-on activities of a growing toddler (like potty-training and cleaning up) can make for an exhausted mama.”