“I’m sure the company he works for would rather he push the kids through as fast as possible to make their money. Regardless, he took the extra time to truly LISTEN to a 10-year-old little girl and comfort her heartbreak.”
‘Santa patted her leg, asked her to stay. ‘What was that about?’ She broke down. ‘My only wish is for my best friend move back home.’: Santa goes above and beyond to comfort heartbroken girl
‘9 months of growth for us both.’: Mom shares powerful postpartum images, ‘Just like the Phoenix, I have been rebirthed into the truest version of me’
“When I birthed her into this world, I had no idea I also would be totally reborn. My life and body is only going one way and that’s forward.”
8-Year-Old Musician Stuns With Classical Ukulele Covers
Watch her breathtaking performance.
‘One year and ten months later, I’m still feeling overwhelmed by the pandemic.’: Woman shares 2022 reminder ‘in today’s day, our willingness to show up is enough’
“I’m carrying the weight of all things, feelin’ all the feels, crying all the cries, sighing all the sighs, and running the gamut of moods and emotions like I’m freakin’ Usain Bolt, praying my sanity is to be found at the finish line. And I should resolute. To improve upon my shoddiness. But instead, I’m not. I’m just not. Not this year. Not this girl.”
‘What if we want grandchildren?’ I wasn’t even old enough to have sex, not to mention think about having children.’: Newlywed shares journey to come out as gay, nonbinary
“At 14, I first told a friend of mine I was gay. Her reaction? ‘I knew it.’ I felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Boy, was I wrong.”
Meet Sasha: The CEO Employing Formerly Incarcerated People To Turn Unnecessary Waste Into Furniture
“If more businesses found ways to weave opportunities to do good into their mission, we would all be in a better place.”
Those Foggy Days Of Early Motherhood Are The Ones You’ll Never Forget
“We fly through those early days and weeks, wondering how time goes by so fast while simultaneously feeling so slow. We ask ourselves if we’ll remember these dark, murky mornings of early motherhood. Hell, we don’t even remember what we ate for breakfast.”
‘Breast is best.’ The lactation consultant took one look at my boobs and told me to go to the ER. It looked like I was growing boils out of my nipples.’: Mom shares harrowing breastfeeding journey, urges ‘fed is best’
“It wasn’t my baby I got to bond with. It was my breast pump. It wasn’t little cries waking me at night. It was my alarm. I’d sit alone in a dark corner of a room, hook myself up to a machine, and watch as liquid was forced out of my breasts while liquid flowed freely out of my eyes.”
‘All women deserve this level of care and attention. The one-time, 6-week check-up isn’t enough.’: New mom candidly shares personal postpartum journey
“The systems in place are leaving women feeling lonely and traumatized. I want to advocate for those changes and be in the trenches with women as they navigate this time.”
‘I know I’m different, and I can feel it burning on my skin as I scream and cry and hit and kick. I am ashamed of myself.’: Autistic teen pens open letter, urges ‘don’t put more shame on me’
“My feelings and emotions explode and my brain explodes and my eyeballs explode. It feels like losing myself in myself, losing control, falling apart like a melting iceberg.”
My Family And I Tested Positive For Covid 3 Days Before Christmas—Here’s What Happened
“We held our children as they cried. Our daughter cried every day. She even asked me if Santa could get rid of Covid instead of bringing her gifts. But ours is a story about real Christmas magic.”
If You Do Nothing Else In 2024—Find Your People
“It will be the greatest gift you’ll give yourself.”
‘The genetic counselor acted as if it was a terrible, awful condition. The specialist suggested termination. ‘We will have this baby, no matter what.’: Mom urges ‘Down Syndrome is something to be celebrated’
“I’m not going to lie, it took my breath away. I do know we will have some challenges ahead, but I also know Riley is a rockstar and she will overcome them all!”
‘It doesn’t have to get ugly if you don’t want it to. You have a choice in who you are and how you love yourself.’: Woman shares important lessons in becoming your best self
“Why is it so much easier to indulge in self defeat than it is to bask in our success? You have the power to change your version of your truth, to be molded by the experiences you inherit and prevail from.”
‘Why not press this conspicuous button and see what happens?’ I’ve never been so scared of a kitchen appliance.’: Mom shares hilarious cooking fail, urges ‘read the instructions’
“When I tell you I almost defecated all over my kitchen floor, I’m not exaggerating. I screamed and flew into the sink. I nearly fell on my ass. My life flashed before my eyes. I sincerely thought my son was going to come out and see me dead on the floor with half the instant pot sticking out of my chest.”
‘I heard from a friend that another was gossiping about me. For the first time, I said I didn’t really care. And I meant it.’: Woman says ‘drown out any noise that doesn’t serve you’ this 2022
“In 2021, I spent so much time apologizing for who I am. This year, I don’t have any resolutions. I don’t have goals. But I have a new attitude that is all about honoring myself. And I hope for this year, you do the same.”
‘How dare you adopt a white baby?!’ We only had the desire to become parents.’: Couple battling male factor infertility build transracial family through adoption, embryo donations
“Me, a black woman, with a black husband, who carried and GAVE BIRTH to twin white and Hispanic babies.”
4 Tips For Conquering Sibling Rivalry
“As a mother to 5 kids, my house has its fair share of quarrels.”
‘I dropped out of college because of the constant pain. ‘I know something is wrong,’ I begged. It was over 90 days since my last period.’: Woman diagnosed with endometriosis, PCOS shares infertility journey
“I wanted nothing more in this life than to be a mother, but he gave me only six years to get my life together. I felt so broken and angry.”
‘It takes a village.’: Tiny homes in Albuquerque are making big waves in the homeless community
“The organization also helps residents transition back into a more stable life.”
‘This is going to be the worst Christmas of my life.’ It was my first Christmas without my son. I didn’t want to leave my bed.’: Military mom shares unexpected, magical Christmas story
“‘Mom, we need to talk.’ When I agreed to support my son’s choice, I didn’t even think of the heartbreak I would feel being thousands of miles away from my only son on Christmas.”
‘If it wasn’t for Charlene, I never would have made it.’: Stranger makes 8-hour drive to delivery room so dad-to-be can witness birth of newborn after flight cancellations, rental car shortage
“He came in and pretty much fell to his knees, put his head on my belly, and was in tears.”
‘I hate grass stains on trousers. Snotty and mucky faces are so gross!’ My parenting pet peeve is that this thread exists at all.’: Mom shares why parenting pet peeves are unfair
“I took note. I thought this was a list of things I needed to abide by. The unspoken rules of motherhood. Secrets I was kindly being told. If I could write a response now, I’d consider adding the following…”
Dear Moms Dealing With Chronic Pain—You Are Not Alone
“The general exhaustion of pregnancy combined with the constant lifting and putting down, feeding of a newborn, and hands-on activities of a growing toddler (like potty-training and cleaning up) can make for an exhausted mama.”
‘Dear Moms, I have a secret for you. You can be BOTH.’: Mom shares beauty of balancing multiple roles, embracing multidimensional personality
“You can be both a hot mess disaster one day and a hostess with the mostest the next. You can be both buttoned up at the office and silly with your friends. You can be chill and motivated. A sugar fiend and health-conscious. A wife and a friend.”