baby wrapped in a beige swaddle being held by his mother

The Moment I Knew My Foster Son Belonged With His Birth Father

“Although the trauma I assumed he came from may indeed be factual, I was called to admit that Dad, too, was just a product of systemic failures. One day, you might get to go back to your world, back to your people. Back to your Daddy, with whom you belong.”

‘I was in heaven holding my baby, but my brain was spiraling. ‘We need to get you help.’ I thought I was crazy.’: New mom overcomes postpartum depression, ‘I can be the mom I’ve always wanted to be’

“I remembered all the times I heard, ‘When it’s all too much and you’re feeling like you could hurt yourself or your baby, put them in a safe place and walk away.’ I remember thinking it will never happen to me, then crying when I realized it was happening in that very moment. I had hit my breaking point.”

woman and her dad, family gathering around a cake

‘We should be married,’ he said to my mom. She explained to him they had been married for 50 years.’: Caregiver to dad with Alzheimer’s shares journey, ‘I won’t regret the time I spend with him’

“I felt like I had been hit with a bag of bricks. I was sad, angry, and felt very defeated. When you care for someone with Alzheimer’s, it’s a constant grieving process. You grieve at the diagnosis, you grieve at every ‘milestone.’ I was dealing with grief even though my dad is still alive.”

‘One year and ten months later, I’m still feeling overwhelmed by the pandemic.’: Woman shares 2022 reminder ‘in today’s day, our willingness to show up is enough’

“I’m carrying the weight of all things, feelin’ all the feels, crying all the cries, sighing all the sighs, and running the gamut of moods and emotions like I’m freakin’ Usain Bolt, praying my sanity is to be found at the finish line. And I should resolute. To improve upon my shoddiness. But instead, I’m not. I’m just not. Not this year. Not this girl.”