“This time last year, I was waking up every day wishing I would die. Drowning in a sea of negative energy, I received a message from a friend who noticed something wasn’t right with me. Fast forward 365 days, I’ve never felt more alive.”

‘I convinced myself I needed to commit suicide in order to keep my family safe.’: Man pays it forward after friend saves his life

‘Collectively, we are going through one of the hardest times in history. Individually, we are all fighting our own battles others know nothing about.’: Burnt out mom urges ‘we can do hard things’
“These moments are here to teach us lessons, to break us down and rebuild a stronger version of ourselves. You are a warrior, you are a fighter, you are a survivor.”

‘I knew instantly.’: Quadriplegic cheerleader determined to walk again honored with hometown ‘Makayla Noble Day’
“We’re all struggling with something. Even if I’m able to help one person, I want to be able to do that.”

‘Do you know how remarkable it is that you birthed a baby? Despite all of the fear and all of the firsts.’: Mom praises new mothers, reflects on the miracle of childbirth
“Do you know how absolutely incredible it is that every day, just like that, just like you did, people birth babies? Today is someone’s day. And that is remarkable.”

‘Whenever I blow on dandelions, I always wish for a brother.’ Deep down, I knew I had to ask my sister if she’d be open to it.’: Sisters reunite separated siblings in double adoption
“I dreamed of him becoming part of our family. For her and her bio brother to be reunited someday.”

Dear Firstborn, You Will Always Be My Baby
“You aren’t my only anymore, but you were my first. You taught me what being a mama meant.”

‘There’s nothing like getting ready in the morning, wondering if your tumor is cancerous or giving you permanent nerve damage.’: Woman shares her struggles with nerve sheath tumor
“‘You may not be able to lift your right arm above your shoulder again. It could cause damage to your vocal cords. And you may experience numbness on the right side of your face.’ The tears I had been holding back came pouring down my face.”

‘Today an older kid called my child ‘so annoying.’ TO HER FACE.’: Mom stresses importance of early self-worth conversations
“My kid ran up to me, wholly and heartbreakingly distraught. But I’m not mad at this other kid. Nor do I blame the child’s parents for their kid’s less than kind interaction with mine. I blame myself.”

‘If you want to be with me forever, why not now?’ There were TWO little beans. Suddenly, he seemed so distant.’: Mom shares difficult decision giving up twins after husband’s affair
“My daughter slipped one day. She told me this woman was in our apartment and slept in the bed with daddy. I knew this is what needed to happen. I had a broken home and they deserved a better life.”

‘After 6 years of battling infertility and finally getting my miracle baby, COVID-19 almost killed me.’: New mom recounts postpartum COVID, ‘She was the one who kept me going’
“I was saved by a nurse who must have been a mom. I begged her to help me, and told her I have a three-day-old baby at home. She assured me she would get me to my baby.”

‘Mom, Jeremy is doing some really bad drugs.’ Time stopped. I was dumbfounded.’: After son’s fatal heroin overdose, family start non-profit to help others battling addiction
“I started the guessing game: Benzos? No. Acid? No. Mushrooms? No. Bath salts? No. I remember pausing and feeling a chill go through me. Heroin? Yes. ‘Daniel, are you telling me that Jeremy is using heroin?’ Yes.”

‘When the social worker left, he didn’t even know my name. Today, he shares mine.’: Single dad shares emotional adoption journey
“I could not be more proud to hear him call me dad.”

‘I remember coming home from school, seeing you on the couch. You didn’t ask me how my day was. I get it now, mom.’: Mom battling depression, suicidal ideations says ‘your illness doesn’t make you a bad mom’
“It’s not that you didn’t want to get off the couch, it’s that you couldn’t. Your mind was so sick it made you physically unable to function. It made you so tired the most simple tasks felt like climbing Mt. Everest.”

‘The statistics were extremely stacked against me. Then, I was adopted.’: Former foster youth shares healing journey, ‘You are not responsible for what happened to you as a child’
“I experienced the stability and safe love I’d longed for years. And even though I tried to push it away, they never left me. My family was relentless in their commitment to loving me and helping me heal. No matter what I did – and I did a lot of things – they loved me.”

The Modern Concept Of A ‘Good Wife’ Is A Complete Scam
“We are forcing ourselves to become burnt out to a point of no return, just to keep up with this label of ‘doing it all.'”

‘I’ve finally found my baby.’: Kidnapped 4-year-old reunites with mom after 33 years
Li sketched out a map of his home village. He couldn’t remember his birth name, the names of his parents, or the name of his village, but he recalled the rivers, rice paddies, and roads that wound through the countryside.

‘She kicked him right in the face.’: Brave 9-year-old protects mom from armed thief
“We walked out the store and I took a little glance at him. Next thing I know, I saw him running towards my mom.”

‘I’ve had their adorable sticky hands grabbing at me for 12 hours. I just want to sit in a dark room so I can think.’: Introvert mom urges there’s ‘nothing wrong’ with how you recharge
“It’s okay if being around your little ones drains you just as much as it makes you happy.”

‘I stayed in bed for hours of the day, didn’t eat for hours at a time, and lost a lot of weight. I felt like I didn’t matter to anyone.’: Young woman’s self-love journey started with a break-up
“Now, I always remember I am beautiful the way I am, inside and out. I wish I would’ve known that a long time ago.”

‘Thank you again, honey.’ I called back to tell her I mistakenly got her message. ‘Do you have a minute?’: Woman befriends stranger who dialed wrong number, shares special recipe
“‘You did your good deed for the day!’ Really, it was her sweet words and warmth that touched my heart.”

‘They told me, ‘There’s no way you have that. Take an antidepressant.’ I was in horrible pain and no one was listening to me.’: Woman living with chronic pain shares diagnosis journey
“Some days I am so hungry and have a fridge full of food, but I can’t eat it. When I do eat, the pain is so bad I’m curled up in a fetal position for the rest of the night. Then I wake up and I do it all over again.”

‘How can we do this every single week?’ My mama heart just sees needles, pokes, possible surgeries, and pain.’: Duchenne mom shares beauty of ‘running on faith’
“My strength is not what keeps me able to lift my boys, get up multiple times a night, or handle difficult medical situations. My strength is limited, and often my anxious mind depletes nearly all of it. I am not strong, but my faith is.”

‘They looked like they hadn’t eaten in weeks, and they never said a single word. Our training was exactly for this moment.’: Mom shares foster-to-adopt journey, advice for other adopters
“Those frail little boys have learned to ride bikes, scooters, skateboards. Our commitment to them is as if I had given birth to them. There is no difference in our love for them.”

‘After the abuse stopped, I looked at myself in the mirror and hated what I had done to my body. So I started to hurt it even more.’: Woman shares body positivity journey after abuse, eating disorders
“I needed to go into this journey for HEALTH, not because I wanted to look like this person or that person. It has changed my whole perspective. I am happy with my body again, and I am confident again.”

‘He said, ‘I just knew I was going to love you.’ I thought I would never find someone like this for me and my son.’: Mom shares non-traditional love story after teen pregnancy
“I had always wanted someone who would love my son like their own and here I had a man who wanted my son to stand next to him on the biggest day of his life. This wedding wasn’t going to just be a union of two people, but an official union of our family.”