‘Don’t say anything. You don’t want to be taken from home, do you?’ We hid in our rooms, afraid of the people supposed to keep us safe.’: Child trauma survivor marries best friend, finds meaning of ‘real love’

“All I knew was I was scared of ‘love.’ I didn’t want it. In fact, I wanted to run from it like it was the plague. I wish I could go back and hold myself like I held my siblings. I wish I could tell little Jas that real love was coming. An angel on earth. The most adorable, bi-racial boy with the biggest dimples and largest afro I had ever seen.”

Woman struggling with infertility looks forlorn with her head in her hands

I Want To Conceive, But I Don’t Want To Keep Trying

“My body is exhausted, my mind feels lost, and my spirit has been continually crushed. Month after month we try so hard, but are still left with nothing more than a handful of negative tests. Yet, I still can’t get myself to give it all up and quit.”

To The Girl Mom With A Huge Mother Wound

“Having a traumatic relationship with your mother does not have to define your relationship with your children. There is hope the moment we start to see ourselves for the essence and pure light we are.”

One Day I Packed Up My Comfortable Life, And Started Chasing My Wildest Dreams

“I was leaving everything behind for a childhood fantasy, a job in a K-12 campus I’d never even seen, and a house I’d only looked at online. I cried on the road, wondering if I was making the biggest mistake of my life. Then I heard my dad’s voice echo in my mind from those 31 years ago: ‘You can be anything you want, anywhere in the world.’ And then I lost him. To suicide.”