“But one night, after sweat, tears, and pain, we are there. Experiencing the rush of our hearts separating from our bodies and arriving as a tiny human—suddenly free in this giant world. A piece of our souls, breathing the same air, thumping its own heart, but still needing us.”

‘They tell us, ‘It’s like nothing you’ve ever known. Trust me.’ We smile politely and worry again about the fear of failing.’: New mom shares motherhood journey, ‘They were right’

‘If your son was less disabled, we could be of service to him.’: Mom shares ‘horrendous email’ received when seeking support for son with autism
“The current state of the world is becoming the new excuse as to why families like mine don’t get the help we need.”

‘Nothing is better than this. No wine night, shopping trip, or vacation would be worth the trade.’: Mom shares gratitude for motherhood, despite sacrifices
“Nope, no one told me how much I would have to give up. But you know what? No one told me how much I would gain.”

4 Ways To Prioritize YOU During Your Postpartum Journey
“I won’t be curling my hair, putting on a lot of makeup, showering every day, or having clothes without breastmilk spilled all over them. But I also won’t be beating myself up for missing some unrealistic expectation of having it all together in those first few days.”

‘You can’t have these symptoms because they do not match your appearance. You must imagine them.’: Woman with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome shares journey to diagnosis, reclaiming her life
“I was in endless survival mode, in bed for months, and none of my doctors believed me. Every well-crafted piece that compiled my life broke apart. I realized that no matter how hard I tried, there was no way back into my old life. I needed to find a new purpose, a new definition of who I was and what I wanted in life. And that’s when something shifted inside me.”

‘My social worker called me ‘difficult to place’ due to my ethnic background. I felt powerless, hopeless.’: Adoptee shares self-worth journey
“I grew up believing I was not only difficult to place, but difficult to love—until I discovered I possessed the power to choose the words, thoughts, and beliefs that would accompany me through my day and, ultimately, my life.”

5 Simple Tricks For Overcoming Your Postpartum Anxiety
“After years of self-improvement and major progress with my anxiety, having a newborn was the ultimate trigger for it all to come rushing back.”

‘Don’t say anything. You don’t want to be taken from home, do you?’ We hid in our rooms, afraid of the people supposed to keep us safe.’: Child trauma survivor marries best friend, finds meaning of ‘real love’
“All I knew was I was scared of ‘love.’ I didn’t want it. In fact, I wanted to run from it like it was the plague. I wish I could go back and hold myself like I held my siblings. I wish I could tell little Jas that real love was coming. An angel on earth. The most adorable, bi-racial boy with the biggest dimples and largest afro I had ever seen.”

WWII Soldier’s Lost Letter Finds Its Way To Widow After 76 Years
“It’s like he came back to me. I couldn’t believe it.”

‘I have babies to deliver. Yours is dying, so make it quick.’ She reached in, ripped her out.’: Mom opens up about horrifying medical malpractice causing severe disability, repeat stillbirths
“Had the nurse just called an emergency, had the doctor just put aside that she didn’t like our parental choices… we wouldn’t have to live with this unbearable pain.”

3 Things Moms Need To Let Go For Healthier Futures
“I won’t be taking these things with me anymore, and I hope you’ll do the same.”

‘The highway patrol brazened my porch with hats perched over their hearts. ‘I’m so sorry ma’am. There is nothing left of him or the car.’: Widow navigates grief after losing husband in tragic car accident
“The medical examiner handed me the two most symbolic pieces left of his life—his wedding band and St. Christopher’s Medal around his neck, marred and tangled in char and plastic.”

‘I remember not liking my thighs, thinking I should have a flatter stomach, being frustrated with my stretch marks. That’s insane.’: Mom urges others to accept their bodies as they are
“We are constantly bombarded with the idea that we are not enough. I won’t normalize what should not be normal.”

Bride Surprises Groom By Signing Wedding Vows For Deaf In-Laws
“I want our family to be able to communicate without any barriers.”

‘A teary-eyed sobbing mess with knots in her hair and ripped skin at her fingernail beds.’: Mom shares emotional open-letter to parents of anxious children
“Sometimes, there aren’t enough tissues for the tears or words for the hurt.”

I Want To Conceive, But I Don’t Want To Keep Trying
“My body is exhausted, my mind feels lost, and my spirit has been continually crushed. Month after month we try so hard, but are still left with nothing more than a handful of negative tests. Yet, I still can’t get myself to give it all up and quit.”

‘This afternoon, we sold our home. This house has seen every high and low in our lives.’: Special needs mom recalls nostalgic memories of ‘safe haven’ in wake of move
“It has seen goodnight snuggles and early morning kisses. It has seen driveway slow dances and random living room dance parties. It has seen our family fall into the world of autism. It has seen my beautiful boy grow up from baby to toddler to little boy.”

‘Mom, why do I look different from my sisters?’ I’d gaze in the mirror, wishing for blue eyes and snow-white skin.’: Woman discovers biological father via DNA ancestry test
“For the last 35 years, my mother kept the truth. Like an archaeologist, I had unearthed a hidden secret.”

Man Shares Hilarious Photoshoot ‘Taking Out’ Neighbor’s Trash Bin
“He said take my bin out. If he had said put my bin out, it would have been just a normal day in Mackay.”

‘Sometimes, they need to hear the okay.’: Mom reminds us ‘how frustrating it must be to always have your ideas turned down’
“Instead of no. Not right now. Maybe another time. Sometimes when I realize I’m operating on autopilot, I stop and ask myself, ‘Why am I even saying no? Do I even have an actual reason?'”

I Threw Away The Anniversary Flowers From My Husband, And It Turned Our Marriage Around
“We lost all passion and attraction towards each other. The text he sent, ‘I think I messed up again,’ was a turning point for us. One where we no longer settle.”

‘My faith is solid, but it’s something I fight hard for.’: Mom shares how she remains faithful during ‘life’s roughest storms’
“Sometimes I don’t feel like praying. Some days I don’t feel like reading my Bible. Some days I don’t even want to get out of bed. Suffering tries to steal my faith daily.”

‘There’s nothing we can play with.’ They solemnly looked around the backyard.’: Mom of boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy shares how their resiliency turned ‘pity to praise’
“My boys just stood there watching. It was like they suddenly realized how much their lives had changed in recent years. They used to be able to climb and go down the slide. They used to be able to keep up with their little sister… but not anymore.”

‘My husband said, ‘He has a tumor.’ How had we missed this? It was hiding in plain sight.’: Mom of 5-year-old cancer survivor raises awareness, ‘We don’t expect it to be OUR kids, until it is’
“I took Axton to the bathroom to pee. It was the first of many earth-shattering moments when I watched in horror as he peed blood. ‘He should be fine with some Tylenol and rest.’ I knew in my gut something was seriously wrong.”

‘Our communication device broke today. His voice was whipped away in an instant.’: Mom to son with autism shares reminder ‘we all take speech for granted every day’
“I could see the panic set in, and it was awful.”