Family of eight take group photo in the yard of their family home

‘Your results are ready.’ I clicked the email, braced myself for it to say ‘boy.’ PINK confetti lit up the screen.’: Woman welcomes first daughter after 5 sons, 3 miscarriages

“The second you see that plus sign, you’re already planning what life will look like with this child. You imagine who they will look like, what they will grow up to do, even the details of their wedding plays in your head. Myself and countless women know the reality of having this taken away in an instant.”

How I Crawled Through Grief And Turned My Pain Into Purpose

“For the first time in a really long time, I told myself how lucky I was. I actually mouthed the words. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve it, but I had it all. And then exactly five weeks and one day later, it all came crashing down. That 3cm tumor on his pancreas would end up taking my strong, sweet man, leaving me and my children alone.”