teen boy smiling outside

My Son Isn’t Going To College, And That’s Okay

“He stood before me, looking suddenly very small, and said, ‘I don’t think I want to go to college. School is too much for me.’ I looked at my baby and said, ‘OK, you don’t have to go. Let’s discuss options.’ I could feel the air release from his lungs.”

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‘Mama, you GET to be the one. The one they run to when they fall, the one who calms their fears. The one who laughs at their jokes, cooks their favorite meals.’: Mom urges ‘you make it look easy’

“And at the end of the day, while they are snuggled safely in bed, you often lay there wondering just what you did wrong. But mama, their greatest dream is you. As they grow big and strong, they’ll look back at how their mama always seemed so strong. They’ll wonder how you did it and always made it look so easy.”

‘The machines are no longer prolonging his life. If you want, you can hold him in your arms.’ I held him close to my heart, as he took his last breath.’: Mom honors son lost to rare GACI disease

“The neonatologist looked up at us. ‘I am really sorry to be the one that has to tell you this, but…’ I felt a lump in my throat and tears began to flow. I remember ripping off my mask because it was so hard to breathe. ‘Your son Devraj is incompatible with life.’ The entire room was slowly starting to blur.”

Violence Should Never Be Considered A Symbol Of Love

“I used to be with someone who justified every action of violence as love for me. Someone who justified the crazy behaviors and outrageous outbursts in public as love for me. I was embarrassed and humiliated 98% of the time. And I must say, that type of love was dangerous. That type of love was toxic.”

‘We will not ask our daughter to celebrate when she feels the pangs of grief, nor will we tell her to grieve when she feels like dancing.’: Adoptive mom talks giving kids choice to celebrate adoption anniversaries

“We’ll tell her the story of her adoption day for the 500th time. We’ll acknowledge how much her late birth father loved her, how much her birth mom loves her, and how much we love her. We’ll play her favorite music, probably a country playlist, and dance, because this year she chooses to celebrate.”