‘Dad said, ‘I really hope I get to see you again. If anyone can beat the system, it’s you.’ GAME ON.’: Woman thanks kindness of strangers for aiding her to visit dad in hospital bed

“I borrowed a Sharpie from the nice lady at the counter and wrote inside a donut box. Curious, she asked what I was up to. ‘I’m trying to covertly communicate with the nurses on my dad’s hospital floor.’ Then I detailed all the ways I’d be willing to sneak in if they’d let me, including wearing a disguise, hiding in a laundry cart, or lying very still on a gurney covered in a sheet.”

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Be Gentle, Adult Friendships Are Hard

“The societal image of female friendships is hanging out weekly, dropping everything for one another, remembering every special date, regular FaceTimes and phone calls and texts and life updates and get-togethers and celebrations and a million other things. And I can’t keep up.”

I’m The Girl Who Lost Her Best Friend, Forever

“She was my first friend. My best friend. The one I had for over half my life. When we were growing up, I never imagined a lifetime where I didn’t have her. And then, one day just like that, out of the blue, this lifetime would never have her in it again.”

Dear Parents: What Matters Most Is Your Presence, NOT YOUR PRESENTS

“If you ask any of my kids when they feel the most loved, they won’t rattle off to you about when I take ’em to a play place or Disney or on some grandiose vacation. They won’t say it’s when I buy them something costly or give them ‘yes days.’ They’ll talk about today.”