‘It felt like the longest 3 days of my life, keeping the secret from him.’: After miscarriage, woman surprises Army husband with pregnancy before his deployment

“Right around the time as the miscarriage, we also found out Ben would be deploying for 9 months to Afghanistan. Knowing he would be gone a lot for training between April and when he left in September, we didn’t think it was likely I would get pregnant again before he left, and figured we’d have to wait another year to even start trying for a baby again. Three days before, I decided to test again. To my surprise, it was positive! I was pregnant!”

‘My grandpa doesn’t recognize the woman he’s spent 70 years with. She still loves him unconditionally.’: Granddaughter captures ‘pure’ love between her grandparents, despite devastating Alzheimer’s diagnosis

“All my life, even now, I have never been around them when they weren’t holding each other’s hand. The pure love in his eyes when he looks at her is the kind of love everyone dreams of experiencing. For some people, a nursing home is the best option for their loved one with Alzheimer’s, but there’s no way my grandma would ever let that happen. She’s determined to take care of her best friend.”

‘She couldn’t believe this was her dress. It was so old and yellow, it was the color of a penny.’: Bride says despite being adopted, grandmother’s vintage 1955 wedding gown ‘couldn’t have fit me more perfectly’

“My mother could not believe how perfectly the dress fit me, since our genetics are all so different. She was very emotional. My mom recently fought Stage 3 breast cancer. She is still recovering, so it was really special for her to see me wearing it. We weren’t sure if my mom was going to make it to my wedding at all.”

‘There is no medication to help his PTSD like having his son take our last name.’: Thrilled toddler yells ‘Dad!’ after adoption decree is announced

“Tyler and I met before his deployment to Afghanistan. We knew it would be hard, but we also knew it would strengthen our relationship. He was deployed for 9 months, and one month after he got home, he proposed. We tried for years to get pregnant but came to realize it wasn’t going to happen. Because of the health battles we’ve both been given, we weren’t the type of people to just ‘throw in the towel’ and let our dreams of becoming parents get shattered.”