‘He was born without an esophagus, and couldn’t eat. To be honest, we were scared of hurting him.’ Couple’s adoption of 2-year-old with special needs they ‘never doubted’ was ‘their son’

“I forwarded his profile to my husband. Maybe he’d give a firm ‘no’ and we could move on with our lives. But that night at dinner, he DIDN’T give a firm no. In fact, neither of us could come up with a reason why we SHOULDN’T. We didn’t have any medical records. We were scared. But I couldn’t get this little boy off my mind.”

Please Stop Judging Working Moms For Needing Accommodations

“You know the new mom at work? (Insert eye roll.) The one that is leaving early because day care has called… again. The mom that only talks about her kids in the lunch room. That mom who is forever taking days off. And the one that has a shorter working week and gets an extra day off? Don’t judge.”

‘Three more weeks and we will never have to say goodbye again.’: Man recounts ‘fairy tale’ love story after fiance’s tragic death in car accident

“Dana was different than all the other girls. She had that classic All-American, girl next door quality. I was in awe. We became serious ‘girlfriend-boyfriend’ immediately. Monday night, we stood out in front of her house to say goodnight. We hugged, kissed and talked for 30 minutes. I smiled, kissed her again and said, ‘I love you.’ That’s the last time I saw Dana.”

Why I Love Down Syndrome

“We all need that beautiful reminder that the best version of ourselves and our greatest gifts lie on the outside of our comfort zone. I can proudly say this is mine.”

‘It started with the dreams, but then it got real. I couldn’t deny it anymore.’: Grieving wife finds ‘signs, winks’ EVERYWHERE from late husband

“Before he got sick, we used to joke about ghosts and spirits. He would make fun of me and taunt me with things like Ouija boards. I told him if anything ever happened to me, I was going to come back and prove that spirits can come around. He laughed and said, ‘Okay, I’ll come back and show you, too.’ And boy, has he been showing me.”

He Gave Me A House Before A Ring, And That’s OK

“I’ve been told: ‘Y’all are too young for that.’ ‘Y’all are rushing things.’ ‘That’s not the Christian way of doing things.’ ‘If you move in with a guy before he proposes, he will get comfortable and never pop the question.'”