I Was His FOURTH Mommy

“He could tell you our job was to keep him safe and his job was to stay near us when out.”

To All The Dads Out There: Take More Pictures

“You can take a million perfect selfies, but the pictures your kids will appreciate when they are older are ones like this. The pictures I WILL appreciate when my kids are grown, are the ones like this.”

‘I couldn’t get to her fast enough. I felt helpless.’: Mom warns of treadmill burn dangers after 3-year-old was caught between belt and wall

“My 3-year-old daughter climbed on a treadmill at a relative’s house and turned it on full speed, and then she fell on the moving belt and got caught between the belt and the wall. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. When I heard the machine come on and then her screaming, I felt like I was running in tar or I had concrete blocks on my feet.”