‘I picked up every pregnancy test. ‘I’d be ashamed if I was your father. You should be more careful.’ I wanted to jump down his throat.’: Woman battling infertility finally gets ‘miracle baby’ after miscarriage

“I became a ‘peeing on a stick’ addict. I nervously walked up to the counter and placed them down hoping to not be judged. Lo and behold, the cashier was a 16-year-old boy who clearly had no clue he was about to spark a fire in me. ‘I’m trying to have a child and it’s not easy for my husband and me.’ I was 28 years old, how on earth could this be real?”

Autism Is Sad, But I Am Not

“That urge to peek at the last page of my story has gone away. My heart feels secure. I am ok not with autism, but certainly with Sadie.”