‘You’re moving way too fast. If he loves you, he’ll wait.’ Were we crazy? Maybe. But were we in love? Absolutely!’: Couple move in together after 6 weeks of dating, get married 6 weeks later

“I was pushed into signing up for Match.com by a friend. For 3 weeks, I received message after message from guys who didn’t understand that my kids came first. But one day, I received a message from a man who took the time to read my profile and challenged me to prove that I did, in fact, make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Little did I know it would change the course of the rest of my life.”

‘As a police officer, I always trusted my gut. But this time felt different. My heart was pounding, my thoughts scattering. I knew something was about to happen.’

“I slowed my breathing down and prepared for entry. As I touched the door knob…BAM! I never saw it coming! My vision was gone. I heard several loud bangs. On the radio I could hear, ‘OFFICER DOWN!’ What? ‘Wait a minute. Am I the officer down?!’ The next thing I remember I was in a weird place, swelling and turning blue.”