‘We said ‘I love you’ at 13. He didn’t care I wore a wig. He found me broken and put the pieces back together.’: Woman with Hodgkin’s lymphoma falls back in love with childhood crush, conceives after infertility predictions

“I remember chunks of hair falling onto my pillow. My body transformed. It took a while to look in the mirror and see my naked face with no eyebrows, yellow eyes. Sometimes I wondered if I’d ever feel better. Then afterwards, it all hits you like a train and you sit there and literally think to yourself, ‘What the heck did I just go through and how in the world did we do it?’ Life after cancer is not easy. One side effect of chemo? Infertility.”

It Is Not Your Job To Be A Decoration At The Beach

“I got the idea to do this project after being inundated with multiple ads every day enticing me with photos and emojis and offers to buy their product to get a ‘beach body’ or ‘bikini body’ or ‘summer body.'”

Dear Daughter, You Are Coming Of Age In An Interesting Time

“Things are available to you that were not before. Glass ceilings are being shattered. Long held prejudices that for years went unquestioned are being questioned, finally. Men who committed crimes against women are being called on it. A paradigm is starting to shift, albeit slowly.”