“It’s who I am. It’s who I will always be. I’m a mom who worries…and I can’t help it.”
Dear Sweet Child: I Can’t Help But Worry About You All The Time
How I Found My Identity Again (After Completely Losing Myself In Motherhood)
“As a mom of three under three, I did what many mothers before me have done: put my wants and needs in the back seat and buckled them up. I got through each day, crying from one obstacle after another and wondering if I’d ever be able to shower without hearing a baby cry or eat a hot meal again. I was ready to dot the I’s and cross the T’s on a contract to stab my eyes with a fork daily if it meant I was able to feel like a person again.”
I Hope She Knows How Hard I Try To Be A Good Mom
“I hope she knows it is a privilege to watch her grow, even though it also breaks my heart. I hope she knows that with every pain, tear, and heartbreak she experiences, I feel it a thousandfold. I hope she knows that she is loved, beyond measure and beyond words.”
‘You can’t treat her like a princess forever.’ I don’t have to compare my child to another.’: Mom shares important reminder about helping children
“I won’t treat you like a princess forever. Because soon, you’ll be the queen.”
‘I pushed the post button. ‘Oh my god. People now know I’m balding.’: Woman with alopecia shares hair loss acceptance journey
“Not everyone is ready to talk about it or go public. No one knows what’s best for you, except YOU.”
The Postpartum Mama Didn’t ‘Let Herself Go’—She Has More Important Things On Her Mind Than Bouncing Back
“Her body has been working overtime.”
‘Intimacy would feel like a fire-lit icepick stabbing into my ovary, pelvis, and stomach. I realized the pain wasn’t normal.’: Endometriosis, IBS warrior opens up about chronic illness struggles
“This diagnosis came approximately 7 years after my symptoms started. I may not look sick, but on the inside, it’s a different story.”
Maternal Anxiety Is The Adrenaline That Keeps The Entire Family Going
“We completely discredit this mother if we disregard the intent behind her worry. We label her a perfectionist. But the fear of getting it wrong, their children missing out, their needs not being met… it’s the glue keeping it ALL running smoothly.”
I Didn’t Just Lose My Mom The Day She Died
“I’ve lost her many times over the years, not just on the day she died. But I’ve also found her, too.”
The Book I Wrote Only Made Me $500, But It Taught Me The Most Valuable Lesson Of All
“A person isn’t made more worthy by what they do, how much they make, or who knows of them.”
I Collected Parenting Advice From Different Moms And This Is What They Had To Say
“Just like every adult person is different, so are pregnancies, babies, toddlers, children, and teens.”
Mom Shares Heartbreaking Photos Of Disabled Daughter Excluded From School Easter Egg Hunt
“Her teachers pumped the students up, told them the rules of the egg hunt, and off they went. Once the sidewalk stopped at the rubber mulch, that’s where Mary stopped. Once again, she was at the back of the class, watching everyone else have fun.”
10 Self-Care Tips For New Moms
“The day after my firstborn joined our family, I remember thinking, ‘I’ll never be alone again!’ I loved our newborn and my husband and didn’t want to start resenting them. It was up to me to ensure I got the self-care I needed to be a happy mommy.”
‘Let them fall in love with Mother Earth now, before they are distracted by numbers, rulers, and grades.’: Mom urges ‘let them be wild’
“There will be plenty of time sitting inside, learning things we’ve all been taught are important – but this, this time of reverie in the simple pleasures of nature, this is the most important. This is a time where magic truly exists.”
When You Have All You Dreamed, But It Still Isn’t Enough
“It’s a slippery slope trying to procure happiness, and it’s a mountain we all ski.”
‘I playfully swatted my 13-year-old on the rear. ‘Don’t do that please.’ I paused. I literally felt my body squirm with an urge to respond.’: Parent shares reminder consent ‘starts with us’
“At first, receiving a boundary from my daughter made me want to explain myself. It made me want to tell her why she should be okay with her Mom giving her a quick love pat. It made me want to make her feel silly that she would need a boundary with her own Mom.”
‘My 19-year-old boyfriend was the first person to ever recognize me as a mother.’: Birthmother pleas for recognition of ALL moms on Mother’s Day
“The first Mother’s Day I experienced post placement, I felt hollow. No one said a word. I didn’t communicate that Mother’s Day would be a trigger for my grief, but somehow this 19-year-old boy knew and validated those feelings in a tangible way.”
‘Your birth daughter is eager to meet you.’ Tears streamed down my face.’: Teen mom shares bonding journey with birth daughter
“I was praying every day that someday she would want to know me. ‘Can you repeat that? I want to make sure I understand you correctly.’ My jaw hinged open and I was rendered speechless.”
‘Walking through the cemetery, I found a cookie recipe.’: Woman learns lesson from unusual quarantine hobby
“It was cool to see someone offer a treasured family recipe as a final gift to the world. I had to try it.”
‘To be answered and understood is all he wants.’: Mom shares sweet story of employee willing to understand special needs son
“With kindness from others, my little boy can do whatever he sets his mind to.”
‘She met all her regular milestones, but her speech didn’t develop.’: Mom of 3 recounts daughter’s autism, rare Microdeletion Syndrome diagnosis
“The initial realization was a sharp kick in the guts that took my breath away. It felt like living in a parallel universe at times. I often had to switch from being an isolated, struggling mother trying to navigate this foreign special needs world to participate in ‘normal’ life with Isla’s sisters.”
‘I vowed to love you until death do us part. But it seems that wasn’t exactly the truth.’: Young widow rethinks vows on wedding anniversary
“Death didn’t make me love him differently or less, in fact, it may make me love him even just a little bit more.”
‘This is who they are supposed to be.’: Mom opens up about accepting her 3 kids’ autism diagnoses
“For a long time, I blamed myself. The signs were right in front of me, I was just oblivious.”
How I Learned To Find Peace With My Partner’s Different Parenting Style
“I realized I was treating my husband like a child. It has taken me months to learn to let go and control less.”
‘My rock, my biggest fan, my strongest person, was at his weakest.’: Daughter shares life lessons from father lost to suicide
“I remember holding his big, hairy hand, rubbing his big, hairy, navy ship-tattooed forearm, his head on my chest while I rocked him as if the roles were reversed and he was my child and I was his parent.”