woman sitting on beach looking at ocean

I Miss My Friends

“For some reason we haven’t talked in a long time and I’m not sure either of us realized it was happening.”

‘Before I put her to bed, her face turned pale. She was screaming in pain. My husband read the word ‘leukemia,’ and I had this sickening feeling. The inevitable truth was seeping into our lives.’ Mom gets hit with triple diagnosis: Down Syndrome, Leukemia, & Typhlitis

“A few hours after going to the doctor, I was out shopping with my husband. He handed me the phone. ‘It’s the pediatrician.’ My heart stopped. Why was he calling so soon? And why was HE calling and not the nurse this time?! Then, he said the words I’d been fearing since Tessa’s birth. I didn’t have the strength to stand. I fell to my knees. I had no idea how to move forward.”

‘The red numbers flashed 302. I felt the bottom of my stomach drop. I thought I was going to throw up on the scale. The way I was living my life was killing me.’ Woman credits a ‘single, random conversation’ with her 95-pound weight loss

“A friend asking me to dinner could send me spiraling. What if they want to sit at a booth instead of a table? What if I don’t FIT in the booth? What if my stomach rests on the table? Every single moment of my life felt this way. The entire world felt like it was made for someone else. There wasn’t a single place I fit or felt comfortable.”