‘I was handed a drink. I woke up in an empty room, except for an air mattress. I was completely naked. All my belongings were missing.’ Woman ‘hurt no one was looking for me’ after 3-day-long sexual assault

“There was a window in the bedroom. I tried to open it, but it had been nailed shut. Then, the guy I knew from the party opened the door. ‘As long as you’re compliant, you’ll make it home,’ he said. No one took any notice that I had been gone for 3 days. Not my family, not my friends, not my instructors at school. No one. I felt completely alone. Nobody ever asked me if I was ok.”

To All The Stepdads Who Stepped Up

“There is a special place in our hearts for those men who stand up and step in. Let’s show them. Let’s tell them. Let’s be their champions. Who is yours?”