‘I’m going to see my friend, Harold.’ A stranger. I look back, and I see our garbage man on his knees next to my father.’: Garbage man comforts old man with Alzheimer’s

“My father saw me crying the night before. I’m typically a very upbeat person but I was having a ‘feel sorry for myself’ moment. As I sat on the porch, I heard the garbage truck in the distance, and my father walking down the driveway. ‘I would like a moment with Harold so we can pray for you.’ Our garbage man, a stranger, was on his knees praying with my father for me as I was ugly crying. This disease can never stop my father’s love.”

‘There were two types of girls: skinny girls and fat girls. Being fat was the worst thing we could be.’: Woman loses 100 pounds after ‘the perfect storm’ in college, immerses herself in world of fitness

“After graduating, I packed my bags and headed to college. There, I found a college meal card, 24-hour Dominos delivery, and a party lifestyle. What I didn’t find? My running shoes. Lack of activity, poor food choices, and a very skinny ‘eats anything he wants’ college boyfriend created the perfect storm. I’d gone from heavy to morbidly obese.”