‘Graduating isn’t possible.’ My body was shutting down. But I was going to get my degree one way or another.’: Woman finds ‘strength, faith’ among tumor discovery and multiple chronic diagnoses

“She had only ever seen once in her career. My world completely stopped. I had to quit all my activities. I was separated from everyone. And just when I thought there might be light at the end of the tunnel, we got more life changing news. I bet you’ve never heard someone wanting to go to school so badly, but I did. I just wanted to feel normal again.”

‘You are not old enough to be going through this.’: Husband’s resilience and positivity ‘stuns’ wife after her ‘life-altering’ chronic disease diagnosis

“We vowed to love each other ‘in sickness and in health.’ Little did we know how vividly those vows would be tested. I became acutely ill. I remember running out of a patient’s room to throw up. I felt as though I was the one who ought to be in the hospital bed. I was diagnosed with a total dysfunction of my autonomic nervous system. Illness has taken away much, but it has taught me even more.”

‘He was so wiggly coming out he made it hard to catch him! We were so overwhelmed, he was so beautiful.’: Parents welcome ‘perfect rainbow baby boy’ after pregnancy loss

“We had a surprise pregnancy. Unfortunately, that ended in a loss of our little one which hit us pretty hard. We choose to leave everything up to fate and not prevent another future pregnancy. Sure enough, 5 months later we were expecting another little one! And again, it ended in a loss. So, we chose to hold off on the idea. Turns out fate had other things in mind.”

‘I was living a double life. I’d go to college. Then I’d hang out at trap houses, cut dope and use drugs intravenously.’: Addict says he was ‘miraculously healed’ and had ‘no withdrawals symptoms’

“The first time I ever injected methamphetamine I knew I was going to have a problem – because it was the best feeling I had ever felt. I dropped out of college and went on a binge. I was now forging checks, stealing from my family, selling drugs, and breaking into houses to support my habit. I never thought I would be able to get clean and sober.”