‘When will we hear the patter of tiny feet? ‘You don’t want to be OLD parents, do you?’: Family adopts 2 children after struggling for years with infertility

“The phone call that changed our life. It was 8 p.m. on a Wednesday when the phone rang. It was our social worker. ‘How would you like to come and meet a baby boy? He’s almost 6 weeks old.’ My scream must have deafened her. We’d been waiting to adopt a child for two years and before that had spent five long, desperate years of infertility tests and treatments to try for one of our own.”

My Son Has Been Gone For 1,825 Days

“A piece of me died the day my son took his final breath. But through the tears, I smile. In my son’s short time, he changed my life.”

‘Babies having babies.’ That’s what my doctor said in the delivery room. I felt every range of emotion.’: Teen mom decides to prove doctor ‘wrong’ by being the best mom possible

“I lay in premature labor at 17 years old, as If I wasn’t terrified enough already. I made a decision that evening as I laid in the hospital bed ready to bring my son into the world. I was going to prove that doctor wrong. I was going to grow up in the next few hours and prepare myself to raise this child as an adult, not a teenager. This boy was going to become my entire world and I was going to be his. And while I wasn’t sure how difficult the journey was going to be, I was going to take it.”

‘I dialed 911. ‘I am miscarrying alone with a 10-month-old baby in the house. I am about to black out and die. Please hurry.’: Woman diagnosed with PCOS, secondary infertility after experiencing second trimester loss

“I rapidly started to gain weight. I’m talking double-digit, rapid weight gain. No matter what I did to get rid of it, I kept packing it on. Each month, I was waiting longer and longer for my cycle. I said to the operator, ‘I am upstairs, last door on the right. I am losing a lot of blood rapidly. Please hurry.’ I don’t remember speaking after that.”