“The beautiful, the parts that light up my soul, and the days that make me feel like motherhood is the most magical and important experience of my life… but I will also tell them what no one bothered to mention to us before them.”
I Want To Tell My Daughters About Motherhood Now, Not When They Become Mothers
‘I have baby-sagging bajungas. Hers are BIG and perky. I grump and binge eat cheese. She meditates and cooks ‘real meals.’: Woman shares reminder to ‘throw comparison out the window’
“For the longest time, I thought she was better than me.”
This Photo Was Taken The Day Before An Earthquake Crushed 180 People
“Can you pinpoint a time when the true leader within you was born? I can. It was 7 years ago yesterday.”
Please Quit Asking Women When They Plan To Have More Kids
“I beg you, please quit asking. Quit assuming it is a choice we all have. Because for some women… it is not.”
Dear Pregnant Women: No, Your Life Will Not End When The Baby Arrives (Despite What Society Will Tell You)
“Cheers of congratulations were met with negative comments about how my life would evolve once the little baby inside me was born. I was told to enjoy traveling now because that would change with kids. People acted like my life was over!”
Dear Amputees: Life Does Not Stop After Limb Loss
“I plan on going further on one leg than I ever could with two; that is a promise.”
I’d Never Really Thought Much About My Death, Until The Day I Accidentally Jumped Off My Roof
“I gracefully superman-dove off the tippy top of a 2-story house. I should have died. By some beautiful miracle, I didn’t.”
‘It’s time to wear our scars and battle wounds openly.’: Woman ‘breaks the silence’ to commemorate National Infertility Awareness Week
“Our stories deserve to be told in all their entirety.”
‘My perfect scenario was a loving partner who already had kids. Imagine my heart when he walked back into my life with these two.’: Stepmom reflects on blended family journey
“I hit the love and family jackpot.”
I Am The Absent Friend Who Battles Depression
“Sometimes you get the girl I want to be, and other times you get the girl I became just trying to survive.”
‘At 3:30 a.m., I awoke to a sharp pain in my upper left abdomen. This was NOT a drill.’: Mom opens up on traumatic micro-preemie loss
“That loss can seem impossible to navigate. But in your darkest moments, know that you are not alone.”
‘Can I let you in on a little secret? I hosted Easter dinner last weekend…and I didn’t cook any of it. My BFF, Cracker Barrel, did.’: Woman shares reminder ‘life isn’t about perfection’
“And guess what? NO ONE CARED.”
Why I’m Signing My Child Up For No Activities This Year
“I think it’s time our society normalizes doing nothing, too.”
Former Drug Dealer, Opioid Addict Now Saves Hundreds Through Narcan Distribution
“I would be so dope sick I had to get my stepbrother to go get me a pill because I couldn’t get off the couch. I’d acquire my dope, and before I even put the substance in my body, I felt better.”
I Didn’t Mean To Forget You, As A New Mom I Just Have A Lot On My Plate Right Now
“She saw you texted her saying congratulations, and it warmed her heart. It’s just that the baby cried and she forgot to press send on her ‘thank you.’ She meant to send a photo announcing she had her baby, it’s just that her uterus started contracting, and she was in so much pain it distracted her.”
It’s Okay To Not Feel Excited About Your Pregnancy
“I get it…babies are a gift, but it wasn’t a gift I had on my life registry right now.”
Normalize Treatment, Not Mental Illness
“Normalizing something is making it the standard, and I will never accept this as the standard for my life.”
I Was Born In The Closed Adoption Era (And It Destroyed My Self-Worth)
“For an adoption to take place, there is a huge loss involved. But it can also turn out to be a beautiful story.”
Moms Share Moment They Knew They Had Postpartum Depression And Needed Help
“If you or someone you know may be suffering from postpartum depression, don’t wait to reach out.”
‘This is an April Fools’ Joke…right Mommy?!’ I ushered my kids to our one and only family vehicle, and we took off down the road.’: Mom shares family healing journey through marital struggles
“The one thing we never lost during all those hard years was our love for each other. We just now know that love is not enough.”
Why You Should Stop Telling Your Loved Ones ‘Time Will Heal’ Their Grief
“We aren’t tending a wound that will go away over time. As we grow, our grief grows with us.”
7 Feeding Tips For Your Autistic Child With Sensory Aversions
“Here are my top tips for feeding kids reliant on the same foods.”
45-Year-Old Births Surprise Daughter, And This Video Showing Her Bond With Adult Brothers Will Melt Your Heart
“They get to relive the best parts of their childhood through her eyes.”
Dear Mom, The ‘Baby Blues’ Won’t Last Forever (I Promise)
“It’s crying in front of the mirror in your mesh underwear, breasts filled with milk leaking everywhere, not recognizing the person with stretch marks, acne, and tears in her eyes looking back at you.”
A Mother Walks Ahead Of You, Leading The Way, Then She Must Walk Beside You
“And she’ll remain that person for the rest of her life.”