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She Is My ‘Very’ Child

“Very sad, very happy, very excited, very angry. She moves before she thinks. If you tell her she shouldn’t, she is even more determined. If she loves you, she loves you big. There is no in-between.”

‘This already broken system will collapse in on itself.’: CPS worker explains importance of upholding Roe v. Wade

“Poor sex ed. Costly contraception. Inadequate health care. Poor paying jobs. Ectopic pregnancies with a 99.9% chance of killing the mother if left alone. Miscarriages subject to criminal investigation. Dying of sepsis or blood loss from DIY abortions. Doctors afraid to save their patients’ lives due to the fear of a murder conviction. Foster care systems filling up. Children dying. Who will save us when pro-life ends after birth?”

Why It’s Time For Hollywood To Stop Depicting Villains With Facial Disfigurements (From A Severe Burn Survivor)

“Over time, Hollywood has come a long way in improving representation. Black characters can be heroic; gay characters are rarely reduced to stereotypes. Overweight characters can be presented in the full complexity of their humanity. However, disfigured people are still fair game. In fact, I can’t think of any other marginalized group that is so relentlessly negatively portrayed on screen.”

6 Mom ‘Firsts’ We Don’t Talk About Enough

“We like to celebrate a lot of babies’ firsts. First bath, first car ride, first tooth—you name it. I have pages in my girls’ baby books dedicated to this stuff. But what about mom firsts?”