My Daughter Is My Best Friend, And I’m Not Ashamed To Admit It

“I’m well aware that many parenting experts and the majority of the general public think it not wise to be your child’s friend. ‘You are their parent, not their friend,’ they say. What do I tell them? Nothing, because I don’t need them to approve of my parenting decisions.”

‘Can I murder the baby now?’ My first day back to work from maternity leave, I got a text.’: 3-month-old shaken baby survives ‘extensive’ brain damage

“I called his father. ‘What happened?’ He didn’t have much to say. I choked down tears and made my way to the hospital. After x-rays, I was told they suspected child abuse. My baby was bleeding in his brain due to non-accidental trauma. I immediately went to his father. ‘How could this happen?!’ He just kept repeating, ‘He was choking on milk.’ I was enraged.”

‘Don’t worry honey, I have no plans to die today.’ He asked me to watch a movie with him, but I declined.’: Daughter regrets turning down dad’s invitation night he was murdered

“I called my dad and he didn’t answer, which was weird. I drove over to his house. His car was there, but he wasn’t. I started panicking. I knew something had to be horribly wrong. My dad never ignored me. I called bars I knew he’d go to when he relapsed. I couldn’t find him. Finally, around 4:00 p.m. I called the morgue. The very kind woman informed us there was a John Doe. When she described him to us, I knew it was him.”

‘Hi, my name is Mom. I feel like a ghost walking through the aisles, completely unseen and unheard. I roam around lost secretly hoping someone will ask me if I need help just so I can interact with them.’

“My girlfriends still call, most of them don’t have kids yet. I try to be the old me, the one with a name. I’m getting tugged on, sucked on, and yelled at while trying to listen to their weekend plans. I remember those. I beg them to keep asking me to hang out even though I know I won’t be able to come. Hi, my name is Mom.”

‘I was pregnant at only 17. In true Jerry Springer style, I married the childhood best friend of my baby’s daddy.’: Teen mom says she was ‘petrified but determined’ and ‘always knew’ she’d have the baby

“The news rocked my parents’ world. I was smart in school and dumb in love. I enrolled in community college, worked a full-time job and went to class at night. I married a man who had been my friend from the start. He too was at the hospital the night my daughter was born. When my daughter was 11, my husband adopted her. The paperwork was the thing that gave her his name, though she already had his heart.”

‘My husband is on the floor. eyes closed, moaning, ‘Syyydd. I can’t see.’ Is this a joke? He has a flu symptom that doesn’t even exist. I should leave. Where is this dude’s mom?’: Wife hilariously recalls husband’s ‘man flu’

“The nurse spotted the ‘man flu’ from a mile away. I drive my pregnant butt alone to the hospital while puking in a plastic bag with my husband in front of me, on a stretcher, being doted on. It’s the first time I’ve ever considered divorce.”

‘He couldn’t take it anymore. I noticed a dramatic shift in him. He got home and said he was done.’: Wife pens post about veteran husband suffering from severe PTSD, ‘We are ready to break the silence’

“I’ve been hiding our family’s ‘secret’ for years. My husband has severe and debilitating PTSD. Masking our smiles. Faking ok. A complete nightmare. Ty is a combat vet and has been a police officer of 10+ years. He knew they would look at him like he was crazy. He didn’t want his coworkers to think he was weak or less than. Year after year, I’ve begged him to hold on.”