‘I’m OK mom. I love you too,’ was the last thing he said to me. That was 10:20 on Saturday night.’: Mother tragically loses her ‘best friend’ son to heroin overdose

“He always answered my calls. But on Sunday morning, he didn’t. And I just knew he was gone. The only way I can explain this pain is that every cell in my body that created my son is on fire yearning to hold him again. It’s a physical pain only a mother would know. It’s in my bone marrow. Just a deep yearning to touch him, and hold him.”

‘I stood beside her while she birthed my son. It’s not lost on us she broke her own heart to complete ours.’: Family adopts child from biological mother they met that day

“‘You can touch him if you want.’ I could not believe the strength she had. Not only the strength to push out an almost 10-pound baby, but the strength to watch as that baby was placed into my arms, wheeled out of her room, and into the room where my husband waited. We are holding the child she delivered and calling him our son.”

‘What should we do now? Adopt a kid or something?’ My chin dropped to the floor. Our family had JUST gotten our heads back above water.’: Couple anxiously waits to adopt son, ‘let’s freaking do it’

“My first response as a rational, responsible wife and mother-of-2 was, ‘HELL NO we should not.’ It sounded too expensive, too risky and too… much. Then my cell phone rang. With caution in her voice, she told me about an 18-month-old little boy, whose mom had unexpectedly passed away, after he was born 10 weeks too early. I am nothing if I’m not a people pleaser. This whole thing seemed too on-the-nose, too predestined, to ignore.”

‘No one will miss you.’ I said goodbye to my kids. Everything went white.’: Woman thanks husband’s ‘mistress’ for ‘saving her’ after abuser attempts to take her life

“He briefly took his hand off of my throat and forced the barrel into my mouth. This was my gun, and I couldn’t stop him from turning it on me. I said goodbye to my kids, in my head. I thought of them coming downstairs to find me dead. His phone buzzed, and he stopped. His mistress was at the house. MPs, SWAT, NCIS, and a case worker. Every military wife in the neighborhood was outside my home, gawking.”

‘My healthy, 39-year-old husband said he felt ‘off.’ In the ER the doctor met me in the hall with tears in her eyes.’: Healthy, 39-year-old husband dies suddenly from ‘catastrophic’ tear in aorta

“Yes. He was gone and I had to sign paperwork to take him off life support. My mom showed up and she was hysterical. I thought to myself, ‘pull yourself together, I need you to be strong and support me.’ She immediately pulled me out into the hall and said, ‘Your sister died last night.’ What.”