‘Okay, so which of you is the mother? There can only be one.’ She made a face when we gave both names.’: LGBT couple urge ‘love is what makes a family’ 

“The minute we met the daycare director, she asked if we were sisters. I dreaded saying we weren’t. We had our hearts set on this place. It checked all our boxes. After I clarified we were married, she just said, ‘Oh.’ There wasn’t a ‘spot’ for us. Our friends went in later that day and were offered a spot. The only difference? We were gay and they were straight.”

‘Doctors told me I was ‘lying.’ I hadn’t started my period. Before I took the birth control, I took a pregnancy test. It was POSITIVE!? We bought 5 more tests. All of them were positive!’

“I was having vivid, strange dreams. A neighbor said, ‘Are you pregnant?’ I said ‘no’ and cried. A switch flipped in me. I became crazy emotional. I was having day dreams about drilling a hole in my head or cutting it off. I went to doctor after doctor. They all said that it was because of my weight.”

‘My appendix ruptured while pregnant. ‘She is perfectly healthy,’ the doctor reassured. He was so incredibly wrong.’: Mom births baby with craniosynostosis, ‘she is perfectly imperfect’

“The ultrasound photos showed a perfectly formed body, 10 beautiful fingers and toes. Once born, she cried out one time and then fell silent and blue. Her nasal passages were blocked by bone and my placenta was torn to shreds. Avery’s condition was so much more complicated than any of the photos led us to believe.”