‘I got implants after having a baby. I truly thought, ‘No big deal.’ I started having pain, EVERYWHERE. ‘SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME.’: Woman recounts horrible experience with breast implants

“Then one day I met someone. I started reading the posts and asking questions. I found woman after woman with stories that mirrored mine. They were ME! I was THEM! Some were so sick they were on the verge of death, LITERALLY. This is when everything changed. Suddenly, I knew I needed to get them out of me ASAP.”

‘Your job at this company is over.’ I was fired for providing nutrition to my newborn baby.’: Woman births ‘miracle baby,’ gets fired 7 weeks later for making ‘natural choice’ to breastfeed in private at work

“My bosses were ecstatic and couldn’t wait for my baby to arrive. They even gifted me a car seat. ‘Hey, by the way, I have a hands-free device I’ll need to bring to work. I’m choosing to breastfeed.’ My desk was in a private room away from patients. I wasn’t asking for permission. I was just giving a heads up. 10 minutes later, I got a message. ‘I have an issue with you pumping at work.’ I was heartbroken and confused.”

‘I remember thinking, ‘What the hell is conversion therapy?’ She introduced me to ‘Pastor Jake.’ He was going to ‘take good care of me.’: Bisexual man becomes advocate against bullying, ‘I fought to get to where I am today’

“He told me how he is an ‘ex-gay.’ After he placed the ‘electrodes’ on my body, he turned on the projector. He showed me ‘homoerotica’ images, and if I became ‘excited,’ it would send a shock throughout my entire body. He did it repeatedly until I passed out. He told me he ‘didn’t need permission from parents.'”

‘I grew up obsessed with Little House on the Prairie. I wanted to give my children a simplified childhood. One with very few electronics. I really took a step back on how I’m raising my kids.’

“I want them to be KIDS and not someone I am trying to keep entertained. I want them to spend their summers the way their dad and I did. I want them to learn how to play Red Rover, Capture the flag, and Marco Polo. I want them to have tire swings, chalk, climbing trees, and mud pies. I want their finger nails to be dark brown from playing in the dirt.”

‘Who the heck was Wyatt left alone with?!’ They told me his injuries were consistent with shaken baby syndrome. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.’: Woman realizes her son has been the victim of child abuse

“I was then notified by the police that my ex-husband’s girlfriend did indeed have a criminal history. My immediate thought was, ‘How come people who sexually abuse children have to register, but people who physically abuse children don’t? It made me sick to my stomach. I knew in that moment, I had to make a change in this world.”

‘I opened the gate to drive my mower out, and there he was. Spinning donuts on my lawn.’: Army wife thankful for friendship with neighbor, ‘Ari reminds me there are still good people in this world’

“This is my neighbor, Ari. He knows my situation, with Matt being deployed and everything that’s on my plate. He’s the one that calls when it looks like things aren’t going well over here; the one that wheels my trash to the curb if I forget; the one that mows my lawn when he has time.” 

‘I married a wealthy man at the age of 19. He was already divorced and 15 years older. I ran away and broke all ties with my parents. I was vulnerable.’

“I remember someone from another relationship telling me, ‘You should be happy, at least I am taking off one major thing in your to-do list by marrying you!’ I made the decision that my son and I will never meet him again. People often remind me I am a single mother. I tell them, ‘I was a single mother even when I was married.’”