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Why I Don’t Do Housework During Naptime

“I love my daughter and I want to feel love for her. That means I need to take ‘me time’ while she naps. When my daughter wakes up, she gets a happy, refreshed mama who prioritized herself.”

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‘OH MY GOD,’ I heard. ‘Hmm?’ I looked up from my computer. ‘THERE’S A MAN POOPING OUTSIDE.’: Teacher shares heartbreaking realization ‘all schools are not created equal’

“I finally reach the window, and sure enough, there is a man taking a dung five feet away. He is smiling at us. A weird, creepy smile. At this point, I’m desperately trying to close the blinds so none of my other students get a glimpse, but the classrooms were old and everything sucked. As I was trying to put the blinds down, they broke. THEY BROKE.”

A man wearing a green T-shirt reading FREE holding a towel by the water

A Letter To My Addiction

“Saying goodbye to you seems like the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do. You’ve been around for quite some time now, and I thought you’d never leave.”