Working Mom

‘Society to working moms: Date your spouse! It’s important to keep your relationship fresh. Hire a babysitter, they charge $22+ an hour, so take out an extra mortgage to afford this.’: Woman details working mom struggles

“Go back to work 6 weeks after having the baby. The baby you spent 9-10 months growing inside of your body. Make sure to break the glass ceiling and excel at your job – you can do anything a man can do! It is your job to show society this! Show the world that women can do it all. Rise to the top of your career.”

‘There’s not just one healthy baby. There’s TWO!’ My husband fell to the floor in shock. I had a huge pit in the bottom of my stomach. ‘There must be some mistake!’ 

“She stepped out of the room to give my OB a call. My mind went crazy. She must’ve been calling for backup. I was crying in complete confusion. Two? TWINS? No one gets pregnant and thinks ‘Yay! I’m going to have babies!’ It’s always, ‘Yay! I’m going to have A baby!’ But I had this strange feeling in my chest.”

‘Somebody stop that dog!’ I was in the right place at the right time. Cars zoomed by. I dove for the dog on asphalt.’: Retired professional Nike distance runner joins selfless community effort to save lost dog

“I spotted a large white, fluffy dog. There was no owner attached to his leash, and the dog was running frantically down the middle of a busy intersection. We ran in dress shoes, heels, and sneakers until we had blisters. The next 3 miles were a blur. We were shouting, but most of all, determined.”

‘We’re going to stay until the courts tell us we can’t keep her. We have to see it through for her, no matter what.’: Foster mom gains custody of little girl after 2 years raising her, ‘Our family is finally complete’

“The Army told Jason it was time to move, but she wasn’t legally free. With tears in his eyes, he wrapped me in his arms and said, ‘We’re ripping our family to shreds trying to keep it together. But we can’t leave her.’ The boys hadn’t even heard what we decided; they simply rallied to their sister. They humbled me right down to my core.”

‘Why are you wearing a T-shirt?,’ I asked when I picked her up. ‘I had to put something on because I need privacy.’ She started bawling.’: Mom urges daughter’s appearance is ‘not nearly as important as her education’

“‘Yeah, it will be nice out, you can wear a dress.’ It didn’t occur to me an adult would look at my 5-year-old child and think wearing a dress was inappropriate. She was told she needed to leave class and go to the nurse’s office. The nurse told her, ‘She needed to cover her body.'”