‘I received a text. ‘I know you guys said you aren’t taking any new placements, but we have twins with nowhere to go due to limited beds.’: Student inspires teacher to become foster mom, ‘Our day had finally come’

“I must have read that text a million times. I called my husband and told him about the twins and how my heart and gut was telling me to say yes to this placement. He simply said, ‘I trust you and if you’re okay with it, I am okay with it.’ It was time to stop waiting and make a difference.”

‘Hours shy of our wedding, at 5 months pregnant, I was assaulted. ‘I don’t know what is wrong with me.’ My fiancé begged me to forgive him.’: Woman files for divorce with 3 children, now living their ‘best life’ together

“My fiancé sat in the fetal position, berating himself. With 3 children, I filed for divorce. It meant food stamps. We all shared the same bed. I decided to do the craziest thing – leave a stable job to fly for the airlines. Single moms don’t do that, right? As I shut down the engine, I could hear my kids yelling, ‘Mommy!’ I was NOT broken.”

‘I bet you’re glad someone actually wanted you.’ Black? Adopted by a white, Mennonite family?’: Adopted woman finally accepts she’s ‘innately enough’ after years of torment for ‘mixed-race’ family

“I’m 7 when a stranger approaches, points. ‘Who does she belong to?’ ‘Where are your real parents?’ I’m 12 and a group of boys spit on me, call me racist slurs. My crush’s mom tells me he isn’t allowed to be with people ‘like me.’ I can’t sleep. ‘You’re not really black.’ ‘You can’t really be Mennonite.’ I’m just now learning to be gentle with myself, and my past.”

‘WHAT ABOUT THIS MONTH. LETS GET MARRIED?!’ Part of me was kidding. I walked down the aisle as a 17-year-old, wiped my tears.’: Teen mom now mother to 10 kids, ‘We’re living BIG!’

“‘Don’t settle. 17-year-old’s aren’t supposed to get married! You’ll ruin your life!!’ We’d fantasized about an early June wedding at sunset the following year. Life roared to a halt. ‘Pregnant,’ it read. Wife I was ready for, but mother?! ‘I’m not supposed to be a mama yet!’ Reality hit. ‘We’ve found your son to be several weeks premature. We’ve also discovered a mass.’ Oh our hearts. I can feel the shatter to this day. At 29, we welcomed our 10th precious baby at home.”

‘What are you doing in the boy’s bathroom? You look like a girl!’ The longer it got, the more judgemental others got.’: Boy grows hair to donate to kids in need, ‘Heart, not hair is what matters’

“‘That is such irresponsible parenting.’ He knew his own story. He knew the battles I’d faced when he was just a tiny little thing, and he wanted to help other families who were not as lucky as us. He had this big grin on his face when he touched the back of his head and felt his neck.”

‘Even when it doesn’t make sense, keep fighting.’: Woman details divorce, custody battle with ex

“Panic started to set in. Time went by, and no one showed up. Finally someone answered their phone. My knees buckled. I dropped to the ground. They weren’t coming. They wouldn’t tell me where she was. My daughter cried in the background. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know if I would ever see her again. He had filed for divorce without my knowledge and was granted full custody. Everything was chaos.”

After Battling Infertility For 14 Years, My Sister Offered To Be My Surrogate

“Each of my siblings had kids while I battled infertility for FOURTEEN YEARS. How could they relate? Family gatherings became a reminder of what we didn’t have, so we stopped attending holidays and family events altogether. We had more nieces and nephews than we could count…what were we doing wrong? WELL. As of 2 weeks ago, I stood at the end of a hospital bed and delivered my daughter into the world!”

‘One second. One stoplight. I heard him yell. There were no flashing lights, no warning signs. I kept praying he’d just open his eyes.’ Little boy dies 3 times, meets mother’s miscarried babies while in coma

“‘Landon, do you know where your dad is?’ He looked me in the eyes. ‘Yes, I do. He’s in heaven. I saw your other kids there, too.’ I knew what he was talking about, but how did he know? I had two miscarriages before he was born. We never told him. He was only 8 years old.”

‘Your dad isn’t ready to give up the cuddles he’s getting in Heaven yet. He knows this baby will never know him. He wants to get to know baby as long as possible first.’: Mom surprised with message from ‘beautiful person’ when she needed it most

“The last few weeks of pregnancy are the slowest. Your pelvis is on fire! Your hemorrhoids are raging. Your penguin waddle CLEARLY screams dilated-to-a-4! You whisper to yourself, ‘I’m going to be pregnant forever, aren’t I?’ But then, a stranger sent me a message.”