‘Quarter, momma!’ My husband was grilling when our son knocked on the glass door screaming.’: Mom warns of button batteries in household after 20-month-old battles for his life

“My husband jumped up, immediately opening the door. But just as fast as my husband acted, so did my son. He ran away, swallowing what appeared to be a nickel. In a split second, our night changed. He was crying, screaming, ‘Quarter, momma!’ He then begins to gag and vomit intermittently, telling me it has not passed through his throat. It has felt like a lifetime without his hugs, kisses, and hearing his sweet voice.”

‘An 80-year-old woman cracked her car window and explained, in tears, ‘We’re afraid to go in the store. We don’t have any family to help us.’: Woman urges ‘offer help to anyone you can’ during coronavirus hysteria

“I went to the grocery store this afternoon. As I was walking in, I heard a woman yell to me from her car. ‘We’re afraid to go in the store. We don’t have any family to help us.’ In tears, she handed me a $100 bill and a grocery list, and asked if I would be willing to buy her groceries.”

‘As they lay tucked in their beds, my mind is racing. I’m a 44-year-old widowed single mom and I’m as scared as a child.’: Widow fights to ‘keep it together’ for kids during coronavirus panic

“I’m trying not to f-ing panic. I’m trying not to worry about vigilant 20-second hand washing, the lack of canned beans I have in the pantry, and especially the fact I only have 5 rolls of TP left in thehouse. My husband—the level-headed, responsible person, who would know just when to panic—isn’t here anymore. I’m the only one left.”

‘I have called on my grandmother to remind her to get stuff now and not later. Now is a time be a COMMUNITY. The community can’t prep with soap, diapers, and TP if a select few people take months’ worth.’: Mom says ‘do not fret about coronavirus, there are better days ahead’

“Kids are not going back to school like they did for fall break. If we rewind to November, none of this was remotely close to being on our radars. Isn’t it crazy how it all changes in the blink of an eye? Just as we plan for the flu yearly, we should prepare for Coronoavirus in the same manner. This does not mean doomsday prepping. Prepping is a community affair.”

‘All I wanted was a rotisserie at Costco. Instead, I almost lost a limb.’: Mom says to remember during coronavirus ‘we’re all in this together’

“I passed by people wearing gloves, and masks, and yes, hazmat suits. I am a former nurse. I also rely heavily on world leaders in situations such as these. If they say wash and keep social distancing, I follow suit. But there was something about the empty aisles, wiped clean of paper products and water bottles, that caused a tide of panic to rise in me. I checked out of Costco, and reality, and found myself aimlessly scrolling for solutions from the front seat of my car.”

‘Maybe her shorts are too short, her jeans too tight. Maybe you think her dress is too revealing. What you don’t see is a woman falling apart.’: Woman urges ‘we are all just trying to do our best’

“You deem her unworthy before she even has the chance to speak for herself. She’s not a woman who finally found the courage to be who she is, dress how she wants, stand up for what she believes in. Trying not to let the coldness and cruelty of this world break her. Instead, she gets labeled. Simply because she just exists.”

‘I’m either a rockstar mom with lunches packed, clothes laid out, and baths by 7 p.m. or I’m in complete survival mode.’: Mom admits ‘every day is not a fairytale’

“Some days I’m totally present with my little man. I’ve grocery shopped WITH my toddler and not one fit was thrown. I’m caught up on housework and we wind down with bedtime stories. I feel confident. I think for a split second I have motherhood figured out. Then the next day comes, and I survive by the seat of my pants.”

‘Knee deep in trying to calm my son, a lady placed her hand on me and whispered in my ear. I could feel the tears coming.’: Mom of Autistic child says ‘if you see a child in a meltdown, don’t stare’

“You would do anything in your power to help your child. Even if that means lying on the floor in the middle of a shopping center with him. That can cause some funny looks. Some funny comments. This day was no different. She nodded, she smiled, and she walked off again. In that moment, I could feel the tears coming.”

‘I was pro-life, I was in church, and I hated abortion. Yet here I was, mind racing and silently ‘considering my options.’: Woman urges other pro-lifers ‘don’t demonize women for being scared’

“The moment I was told I was pregnant at 18, the thought of abortion crossed my mind as a solution. ‘Am I a horrible human?’ Things got real REAL quick. Just because I didn’t have one, doesn’t give me a pass to be prideful about it over those who have. I love my sweet son, but he isn’t a trophy.”

‘Mexicans and blacks have children just to get a check.’ Imagine how this makes my kids feel.’: Mom of mixed-race foster kids describes racism, ‘If you look for love, you will find it’

“I came back from lunch to find a small, heart-shaped box of chocolates from my mom’s boyfriend. I felt so special! Teachers replied with disgust, ‘We don’t want OUR children exposed to that.’ It wasn’t long before it was all over town that a black man had the audacity to give a little white girl candy.”