‘I watched friends celebrate, while I was robbed of living life. The Internet is a blessing and a curse.’: Woman with Cystic Fibrosis gives tips on how to survive quarantine, ‘The limits are endless’

“One issue a lot of people face is in their time of solitude, they may be confronted with the fact that being by yourself is frightening. Your mind needs to become comfortable being alone. There will be no distraction. Your inner-monologue will inevitably be louder and more present than it ever has before.”

‘Kinsley always stood up for me.’ Ava came from the playground, upset another little girl called her stupid. ‘Where’s Kinsley when we need her?’: After loss of child, mom urges others ‘Enjoy the moment’

“The instant someone or something reminded me of her, I was ready to lose my sh*t. At that moment, I took a breath. I leaned down to let her look through the necklace and whispered, ‘See, she is here too.’ Let’s face it, everything reminds me of her, and I don’t want to change that.”

‘I get to the door and there is my eldest son, arms crossed, blocking entry. ‘Mask, Mom!’ I am high risk, and one blessed mama.’: High-risk woman battling myasthenia gravis urges ‘this is not just a little sickness bug’

“Ricky taps my hand if I try to touch something. THEN, this child pulls out the sanitizer and sprays my hands with it. He waits until I rub it in correctly and looks at me through the corner of his eye to make sure I don’t touch anything again. Ricky knows I am one of the ones who would most certainly die. He has been in the hospital with me more times than I can count.”

‘I had to remind my son whose prom has been postponed, ‘It could always be worse.’ School was their haven. It was their happy place.’: Mom asks others to not lose their perspective, ‘It could always be worse’

“They haven’t been placed into foster care…yet. And now the social worker that was going to come to their house is also secluded at home. I looked at my husband and said, ‘They are closing schools. What’s going to happen to all the children that don’t want to be at home?’ School was their haven. It was their happy place.”

‘They should have been stocking up on diapers and miniature clothing, not toilet paper and hand sanitizer.’: Woman reminds us ‘don’t forget to check on your pregnant friends, they’re hurting’

“They should have been worrying about morning sickness, which crib to buy, and what to name their precious little. These amazing women thought they would be carrying life, but instead they’re also carrying dread, anxiety, and fear. I cannot imagine a scarier time to prepare to be pregnant.”

‘My little foursome survived a Category 5 hurricane and another one is headed our way. ‘Are we going to die? Who will come and save us?’: Mom reminds us that in the middle of the storm, ‘faith, hope, and love are the most important’

“I will go to the store and buy more water and canned goods. I will break out my evacuation bag and fill it with candles, flashlights, batteries, and rope so I can tie my children to me if the storm surge comes for us. Most importantly, I will pack my faith.”

‘My husband is out there on the front lines with nothing protecting him while the rest of the world is panicking and quarantining.’: Woman says pharmacies experiencing ‘loophole our government has missed’

“Please say a prayer for our pharmacists and their staff. I heard their answers… ‘I don’t have enough money to be in the hospital in isolation for 14 days. I don’t want a positive test that keeps me quarantined at home.’ When people are sick, the first place they stop is their local pharmacy.”

‘There’s no easy way to say this,’ the voice said. ‘But the client before you at the salon just tested positive for coronavirus.’: Woman exposed to virus at hair salon urges for ‘social distancing’

“‘Her appointment was 11:00 a.m. Yours was 11:30 a.m.’ A heavy silence hung between us. ‘Did we sit in the same chair?’ I asked. ‘Yes,’ he said. My heart lurched. We breathed the same air. We put our hands on the same surfaces. Our heads in the same shampoo bowl. I hung up and stared at the can in my shaking right hand. I tiptoed into my husband’s office and scribbled a note on a scrap of paper: ‘We need to talk.'”

‘The old man asked the cashier, ‘Do you have any toilet paper? Please, my wife is sick.’ He was exhausted and on the brink of tears.’: Man shares act of kindness for elderly man, ‘Now, more than ever, we need to look out for one another’

“I was at CVS picking up a prescription. I didn’t realize the gravity of the situation just yet. He replied, ‘No, I’m sorry. We won’t have any until next week.’ He was on the brink of tears. It took him so long to get from the counter to his car, I could just imagine the day he’d been having. ‘If you’d like, I’d be more than happy to help.’ His wife was resting in the car with an oxygen tank. My heart broke.”

‘She constantly pissed us off. Lord, did she stir up drama. Now, I’m pissed there will always be an empty seat. The family dynamic has been rocked.’: Mom continues to make memories after daughter’s passing, ‘We are going to find something to smile about’

“A couple of weeks ago, we were a family of seven. The girls were always fighting, and the common factor was always her. The family dynamic has certainly been rocked and honestly, I am not sure I will ever be okay with this void.”

‘A man in his 60s got behind me in line as I frantically loaded the conveyor belt. ‘Looks like you’re going to need another cart,’ he said and nodded to his own.’: Woman shares touching act of kindnes

“Walmart started closing its aisles. I was overwhelmed and my baby barely fit in my overflowing cart. I was shoving bagged items on the floor and back of the cart when an older man approached me. ‘I’m going to push your cart to your car. Don’t say no.’ It was pouring rain. I nearly cried right there.”