‘My husband said, ‘Here’s a little money, you have to leave and find yourself.’ My addiction was killing the joy in everyone around me, even my kids.’: Mom of 3 shares powerful journey to sobriety

“I was introduced to heroin. Heroin invited meth, meth invited fentanyl, and pretty soon, it was just one big, drugged out party of hell. I was sleeping in abandoned houses, porches, outdoor elevators, dumpster enclosures, and sidewalks. I had boils all over my arms and legs, and the wound on my back was highly infected. I smelled like death.”

11 Things You Should Know Before Marrying A Man With Children

“He will assure you it wasn’t special the first time, but you’ll still feel like you’re missing out on something that should have been yours. And yes, you knew all of this when you married him. And no, it doesn’t make it any easier.”

I Didn’t Know I Had OCD Until I Was 33 Years Old

“I worried I might purposely light a match and burn the house to the ground with my family inside. I worried I might purposely push my best friend into traffic. The thoughts began to get so frightening I’d wake up every morning and try to create a version of white noise inside my own head to block out any thoughts for as long as I could.”