‘If I’m so smart, why aren’t I a success yet?’ I was so hung up on this idea of what success was, I didn’t care if I was happy.’: Woman urges ‘you are a success in your own right’

“If your childhood was anything like mine, you grew up with your parents saying you were going to ‘be something’ one day. I was so hung up on this idea of what ‘success’ was. A 9-5 Monday through Friday gig, making more than $70,000 a year. I didn’t care if I was happy, as long as the job matched those criteria.”

‘I haven’t been able to call you up or vent. I haven’t been able to text you just to say, ‘Hi.’ We haven’t ‘talked’ in what seems years.’: Woman pens emotional letter, ‘I will forever be grateful for everything you’ve taught me’

“I still care you’re hurt from a previous relationship. I probably pushed you into feeling the way you feel about me. We haven’t ‘talked’ in what seems years. This letter isn’t to make you feel bad. I truly apologize if it does. It is definitely not my intention. I still deserve you.”

‘The military has extended the travel ban.’ I won’t apologize for hating every minute of him not being able to come home.’: Military spouse says ‘today I just want to be sad and that is okay’ after husband’s extended tour

“I am not sure I have ever felt this amount of anger and sadness at the same time. It was the one thing our daughter looked forward to after having prom and graduation ripped away from her. We secretly cry, vent, and scream on the private Facebook pages because they feel like people don’t understand.”

‘You can’t sexually assault your wife.’ It finally hit me. I had to get my son out before there was no turning back.’: Woman finds happy ending with ‘man of her dreams’ after escaping domestic abuse

“After several months of a long, stressful divorce, I did what any single woman in her 20’s would do: I tried out a dating app. I remember going home to my mom that night and telling her how much fun I had. ‘This is it, he’s the one.’ She’d heard that before and told me to take things slow. But I think she knew too. This one was different.”

‘I got the news my ‘first love’ passed away. I grabbed my phone. ‘I’m bleeding and it won’t stop.’ I also felt an overwhelming presence beside me.’: Woman finds faith after near-death experience, ‘I’m living proof of the power of prayer’

“I heard the news of him having children, joining a church, and getting sober. I messaged Zach one day to tell him how proud I was of him I was. I grabbed my phone off the counter and called my mom. ‘I’m bleeding and it won’t stop.’ I could FEEL Zach’s presence. It is something many don’t believe. But I felt it. I will never ever deny this happening.”

‘I WILL have you pregnant within 3 cycles.’ We endured the loss of 8 embryos. No baby.’: Woman describes infertility battle, ‘Never give up, no matter how tough the battle’

“He said we were still so young and not to worry. My husband and I entered the dark world of empty bank accounts, bruised, battered, and botched up bodies from countless procedures, a home with stained walls from our screams and a carpet soaked in tears. Not being able to conceive children has really taken a toll.”