‘Someone drove by and shouted, ‘Get back in your house. You’re the reason people are dying!’ For sitting on my lawn. Alone.’: Wife of nurse says ‘have grace, you don’t know what others are going through’

“I haven’t kissed or hugged my husband who works on the frontlines as a nurse in weeks. Every night, I must reassure my 5-year-old that no, daddy’s not going to die. But when the lights go out, I worry about the same thing. There I was, instantly sobbing because someone decided to lash out on me for breathing air.”

‘Today my husband to let a few of his best guys go. There’s only so much distance you can put between yourself and another person in his line of work.’: Couple says pandemic ‘has shown us how much we take for granted’

“My husband is considered essential and is still able to work. Everyone at his job is basically walking on eggshells. It’s hard not to worry about him being exposed and bringing the virus home to us. There’s only so much distance you can put between yourself and another person in his line of work.”

‘That could be us,’ I whisper. This time it was a young family guy. I look at him and see my husband, the father of my kids staring back at me.’: Woman with anxiety during pandemic says ‘today I’m making the choice to focus on what I can control’

“Scrolling through my feed, there’s another story. Phrases like ‘young’ and ‘picture of health’ are preceded by a date of death. My stomach drops to remind me that this photo was taken ‘just days before.’ I look at him and I see my husband, and the father of my children staring back at me.”

‘I drove by my grandchildren’s house to drop off something they love on their front porch. I knocked on the door, and backed away.’: Woman shares plea for kindness during pandemic, ‘Love, not anger, makes the world a better place’

“Has anyone else noticed people are angry? Get back to work. Stay home. Wear a mask. Don’t wear a mask. Stay inside. Get out and breathe some fresh air. Don’t post happy photos, people are suffering. Maybe you want to post what you think without fear of your Facebook ‘friends’ blasting you.”

‘My little sister came into my room bawling her eyes out. ‘Something is wrong in Mommy’s room. I heard screaming, a thud, and then nothing.’: Son reflects on mother’s domestic abuse ordeal, ‘No matter what demons you’re battling, you can overcome’

“Jay was a youth minister who had a church in my hometown. Everyone loved him. The only thing I heard was, ‘Don’t ever accuse me of anything ever again.’ I called the cops and grabbed my baseball bat. My shirt was soaked with my sweat and blood.”

‘We’ll call tomorrow, Daddy.’ He tested positive. She cries big heavy tears for her daddy she hasn’t seen in a month.’: Mom takes full custody of kids while officer dad battles coronavirus at work

“We are divorced but have 50/50 custody. He’s an essential worker in our state prison that has the most cases of COVID-19. And, they’re all in his unit. Last week, he tested positive. 7 days later he was ‘released’ and sent back to work. I see the pain in his eyes every time we go to hang up.”

‘We sold our home and belongings. We were given orders to stay at home, except unlike many, home for us is a hotel room.’: Traveling family thanks hospitality workers, ‘No matter what, they take it in stride’

“To the young lady at the front desk that my husband probably scared to death as he ran downstairs at 3 a.m., desperately seeking new bedding: They said SIX feet, lady. Seeing this industry’s willingness to continue serving so many new faces makes them all very, very brave to me.”

‘You pray for the weekend to go by quickly, just so you can check in with them again. You dream of the day you can embrace them.’: Teacher says ‘my students became like my very own children’

“It was March. I started to feel the school year winding down and the lump in my throat growing. I put an app on my phone, counting down the days. Not because I was looking forward to summer, but because I wanted to make each day I had left count. We were together one day, and without warning, they were gone.”

‘She held my hand and asked, ‘Mama, can you please tell me what’s going on at the hospital? I’m scared.’ She’s 7 years old.’: Nurse mom asks others to realize ‘this isn’t some joke, this is real’

“There are people out there who are claiming this is a hoax, that it’s some made up BS. She’s had a mama who has worked in the ER her whole life, but she knows something is wrong. She’s pulled me aside twice now, asking me to stay home. ‘Mama, you have asthma and have a higher risk.’ She’s 7 years old. Let that sink in.”