‘I tapped him on the shoulder. ‘Jay, wake up. Can you turn on the light? I have something to say.’ A single tear ran down his cheek.’: Young mom urges ‘this is the greatest job I’ve ever had’

“I chalked it up to eating spicy Cajun food. 5 a.m. the following morning, I jerked myself awake with the sudden urge to throw up. I immediately called my mom, sobbing. ‘What’s wrong?!’ Without hesitation, my sweet angel of a mother got in her car and drove 2 hours to see me. My boyfriend was sleeping so peacefully, not knowing what was about to hit him.”

‘I said to my husband, ‘I think something is wrong with the baby.’ There was fluid in the back of his neck. ‘We need to admit you. Today.’: Mom says ‘Down syndrome is the best thing to ever happen to our family’

“‘It could be something, it could be nothing.’ My blood pressure spiked dangerously high. The doctor said, ‘We need to admit you. Today.’ I was hooked to an IV in a massive, darkened birthing room in the middle of the night. When it came time for his arrival, there were 20 people in the room. All I remember saying was, ‘Oh, he’s so cute,’ and then he was gone.”

‘I saw panic in her eyes. ‘I can’t find your cervix.’ I thought it was just a UTI. ‘You’re not allowed to leave.’ I waited 4.5 hours while medical staff conversed about me.’: Couple pregnant with twins after 7 miscarriages, incarcerated uterus

“Within 24 hours, I was being prepped for emergency surgery. My uterus was growing up and outwards and had completely cut off my uretha and bladder. ‘This is life-threatening to you and your twins.’ We were told to brace ourselves for the loss of both babies. I woke up to a large incision from my breast to my pelvis.”

‘She was uninvited because she is ‘not pretty enough, skinny enough.’ At 9 years old, her heart has already been broken by unkindness.’: Mom urges ‘love yourself the way you want her to love herself’

“At 9, they’ve already commented on her body, her face, her clothes, her family. Those words don’t hurt me because I know they’re not true. I know she’s enough. What kills me is how she believes the naysayers of the world instead of her mama, the person who knows her best.”

‘This morning I got some horrible news: ‘Models who aren’t a size 0 are called plus size.’ My body isn’t risky or brave, it’s normal.’: Woman learns lesson on body positivity, ‘I realized it’ll take more than 30 days to do’

“Even skin conditions you have no control over will have people asking you questions about your ability to ‘keep yourself.’ I said I would make it my mission to spend 30 days working on body acceptance. When the 30 days were up, I got some horrible news. I realized, it’ll take more than 30 days to do.”

‘I received an email from my apartment manager. ‘We’re revoking your right to live here due to your criminal record.’ I pleaded, ‘You have the wrong person!’: Hispanic man from Colorado says ‘this is my America, walk with me’

“I frantically called. ‘What are you talking about?!’ The receptionist said, ‘According to the background check, you’ve committed several felonies in the state of Texas.’ I’d lived in Colorado for 40 years. The more agitated and defensive I got, the more guilty I sounded. You see, I fit the description.”

‘I could not do what you do. I’d get too attached.’ That’s the point. Their need for love and protection is far greater than my need to be protected.’: Foster dad urges ‘if you have the ability, you have the responsibility’

“I grew up in a dysfunctional home of drug addiction and verbal abuse. My parents got a divorce when I was 7 because my father had been having several affairs. When my wife approached me with the desire to foster, I felt unprepared. I’d experienced so much trauma in childhood, I only had examples of what not to do as a father. God had others plans.”