“She would forget simple, everyday tasks like school pick-up and turning the oven off. I did little to support or ease her recovery. The 13-year-old me had other priorities. The guilt will forever haunt me.”
‘The doctors described it as a ‘fire storm.’ She lost her sight overnight. It stole her spark.’: Woman raises awareness after losing mom to breast cancer, ‘I want my pain to be purposeful’
‘Dear firstborn, I held you in the hospital and knew our lives had seismically shifted. I am so lucky God gave you to me.’: Mom pens touching letter to firstborn child
“I discovered a sea of love in my heart that had no beginning and no end. I wouldn’t change a single thing on the road that brought you to me.”
‘Oh no!’ I cried. I thought this only happened in movies. The doctor said, ‘I’m so sorry.’: Mom describes having a baby with Down syndrome, ‘I would choose him again and again’
“I felt like I was holding my breath for the remaining 27 weeks. Was I going to be able to love him as much as I love Lucas? I thought the Down syndrome label would consume this little being, that he would be more Down syndrome’s son than mine.”
‘They are precious now, young mamas. But just wait until they grow up.’: Mom to teens says ‘one day you’ll see just how deep beneath the surface their beauty goes’
“One day, you will see just how deep beneath the surface their beauty goes. One day, it will all be worth it.”
‘It was my 15th wedding anniversary. Her daughter messaged me, ‘She isn’t doing very well.’ I started bawling. ‘I have to go see her. I can’t miss this again.’: Medevac dispatcher drives a thousand miles to meet client with terminal cancer
“She became like a second mom to me. I dropped everything in my hectic and crazy life to drive thousands of miles to see someone I love and adore. She couldn’t believe I was there. I’d only ever spoken to on the phone for the last 3 years.”
‘She looked up at me and said, ‘Can I help him?’ Shopping carts were scattered everywhere throughout the parking lot. She was irritated.’: Little girl shares act of kindness for Walmart employee
“We were at Walmart when she spotted CJ grabbing shopping carts and putting them away. She immediately started grabbing carts and pushing them toward the store. A little while later while browsing the toys, CJ walked up to us.”
‘People patted me on the back. ‘How good of you to befriend this black boy!’ they said, without acknowledging you.’: Man pens letter to childhood friend, ‘I’m speaking up now, I hope you can hear me’
“I was in your presence when the n-word was used, on multiple occasions. I said nothing. You came to my white church. You stayed in my white home, ate at my white table. An occasional visit to your world was all my whiteness could warrant, yet you were expected to live in mine. Us white folks stole your oxygen, long before ‘I can’t breathe.'”
‘My baby’s placenta never stopped growing. The doctors were confused.’: Couple pursues open adoption, ‘I will never forget those sacred moments’
“We were told her mama needed space. She had very little support and I just wanted to wrap my arms around her. I told the nurse, ‘Please let her know we love her.'”
‘On our way home, we ended up front and center for a local protest. My daughter said, ‘Mama.’: Mom wonders about George Floyd’s final words, ‘I wonder if in those last few breaths, he was calling not on her, but us’
“I thought she was asking for me. She wasn’t.”
‘At least you’ll stay skinny!’ I sat on the toilet and cried. You never think you might be the ONE.’: Woman documents infertility journey, ‘Don’t be ashamed to talk about it’
“Why does every part of this ‘journey’ have to be a struggle? He marched to the front of the line, set his sperm filled cup right on the counter, and told them it was time sensitive and he couldn’t wait.”
‘But we already have a toddler!’ Now, our boys don’t know life without each other. They are two peas in a pod.’: New parents take in emergency foster care placement, ‘Beautiful things are born from brokenness’
“We planned to save foster care until we ‘had our lives together.’ We weren’t even listed in the system. ‘We can’t take him in, we have a four-month-old!’ I would choose him, over and over again.”
‘I don’t really like black people, but you’re different.’ I shrank inside myself. I couldn’t change my skin, but I could lose every identifiable piece of who I was to blend in.’: Woman recalls experiences with racism, ‘I’m no longer a scared little girl’
“After months of being teased about my accent, my clothes, my hair, my body, I had no wherewithal to speak up when the N-word came out of the mouth of someone I considered a friend. I froze. I spent the rest of the year working hard to drop my accent. I got quiet. I learned not to raise my hand, because the teacher would make it a point to humiliate me anyway.”
‘She’s in heart failure.’ I’d most likely never get to meet her. We could deliver our stillborn baby.’: Woman gives birth to high risk baby with Down syndrome, ‘She defies all odds’
“We were sent to a high-risk OB every 2 weeks to see if her little heart had stopped beating. I was overcome with grief and despair. This was something that only happened to other people.”
‘Days after my divorce, an old childhood friend sent a friend request. It was thrilling. The universe, in all her wisdom, had plans for me.’: Woman marries ‘slice of Heaven on Earth’ after abusive relationships
“I married at 20. I would dutifully serve him only to beg, ‘Please come home.’ His answer was no. He had party plans with celebrities. I was never on his radar. After losing two babies, he emotionally abandoned me. It was the beginning of the end. But the universe, in all her wisdom, had other plans for me. It was our time.”
‘I was sleeping 16 hours a day. I felt someone squeezing my lungs every time I took a breath. ‘You’re fine, just go home and rest.’: Woman battling Lupus urges ‘you’re capable of crushing every obstacle in your path’
“A group of doctors huddled at the end of my bed. I overheard them say, ‘She’s so incredibly sick, we just can’t figure out what’s wrong. She isn’t going to make it.’ I spiked a 104 fever. I was writhing in pain, grunting, moaning, begging for it to stop.”
To The Self-Conscious Woman: Wear The Shorts, Confidence Looks Beautiful On You
“You see the imperfections. I see a woman who deserves to feel beautiful in whatever she chooses to wear.”
Dear Moms, Don’t Let Your Phones Distract You From The Good Stuff
“Mommy, please put down your phone because, well…I miss you.”
10 Things Special Needs Parents Wish They Had
“We always expect our kids with special needs to learn how to live in a world that wasn’t made for them, but we never ask the people around them to learn more about how to live in theirs.”
‘How the hell did you get in here?’ I woke up one Sunday morning and he was gone. I never got a goodbye.’: Widow gets touching signs from late husband
“A monarch butterfly landed on me. He just sat there, pulsing his beautiful wings — for what seemed hours. ‘You again?’ I said. ‘God, I miss you,’ I whispered…to a damn butterfly. It’s been 2 years, and I’m still looking.”
‘I asked the birth mom, ‘Would you like alone time?’ She said yes. I knew it could change everything.’: Mom says ‘we are complete’ after long adoption journey
“I told him we’d need to let our social worker know his change in medical status. He broke down. We presented seven times. Seven no’s. I was discouraged.”
‘Can you take care of her hair?’ We’d be lying if we said we were fully prepared. We had work to do.’: Adoptive mom to transracial family says ‘we are committed to learn and grow’
“We didn’t know everything we needed to know when Josie was born. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. We acknowledged we needed to educate ourselves.”
‘It can’t be.’ We were shocked. ‘How in the world are we going to raise this army of littles?’: Foster mom shocked by pregnancy, cares for 5 under four, ‘I was made to be a mommy’
“I didn’t feel like I could give them what they needed. I wasn’t enough. I was telling myself these lies they were better off somewhere else. But I couldn’t make that choice. I couldn’t give up my children!”
‘I just need you to move.’ I glanced up. ‘We were here first,’ I said firmly. She and her daughters stood there like Mount Rushmore — immovable.’: Mom to son with autism talks ‘need for grace’
“We were at Walmart buying toys. ‘I’m not being ugly. My son has autism and transitions are difficult for him.’ Disgusted, she began hurling insults at me as she hurried away with her daughters.”
‘Everything I set out to do in my career was pointless. I held this innocent baby, and I knew there was hope.’: Police officer shares touching encounter that ‘restored’ his purpose
“‘That’s it right there! That’s what I like to see.’ Me interacting as a human and not a police officer, is what the community wants to see. I hadn’t felt that much peace in a long time.”
‘I hadn’t felt her kick. All my wife could say was, ‘Oh God, I’m coming.’ My fears were becoming reality.’: Gay couple battles infertility, births miracle daughter after traumatic induction
“‘I’m not even sure you will get pregnant.’ It felt like the air had left the room. Why couldn’t my body do what it was made to do? ‘If it doesn’t work this time I can’t do this anymore.’ I hit rock bottom.”