‘Friends on white sandy beaches, enjoying a vacation you can’t go on for at least 5 years… I find myself thinking, ‘Why did I have kids?’: Mom shares her ‘WHY’ and says ‘it’s usually right in front of you’

“Those same friends are showing off their bikini bodies that haven’t changed since high school, while I chase after kids to separate, divert, and redirect. I grab plates of food from the table so they aren’t thrown next, and throw whatever bits of leftover nuggets or pizza on them into my mouth, as I hear my stomach growl from forgetting to make my own lunch.”

‘She told me, ‘Your stomach is so nasty. How can you be confident and dress sexy when you look like that?’ I constantly compared myself to my beautiful friends.’: Woman urges ‘all bodies are good bodies!’

“‘Wow, you look beautiful,’ my husband would comment. ‘Shut up… No, I don’t.’ On a daily basis, he’d tell me I was undeniably gorgeous. I’d deny each and every compliment. But he never gave up on trying to make me feel beautiful and sexy. This body was a home for 9 months.”

‘We felt helpless watching his silent cries. ‘Am I allowed to touch him?’ We already lost our baby girl.’: Mom births rainbow baby with Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia, ‘I chose faith over fear’

“She told me our baby boy had a hole in his diaphragm. We felt helpless as our sweet boy fought for his life, and there was nothing we could do. After we lost our daughter, I said I would have done absolutely anything for her to be with us. This is it. This is the ‘absolutely anything.’”

‘Mom, can you please come over again?’ The hard nights won’t last forever, but neither will these little, chubby-arm days.’: Mom says ‘one day I will look back on these days, and miss this’

“The nursing every 2 hours. The drive home from the hospital with this new life. Every car was an enemy. The crying days, the googling symptoms, and ‘I’m just so tired,’ days. My mom body–more feminine and efficient than before. The highlights in his hair. The days where I could hold him in my arms, and he fit just right. I’m going to miss this.”

I Escaped My Abusive Marriage And Found My Fairy Tale Man

“I didn’t think Brian could ever love me, a single mom to 3 kids. ‘You need to tell him about the abuse.’ I was broken, terrified I’d scare him off. He looked me dead in my eyes: ‘I want YOU, that’s not changing anything.’ He never gave up. When I had nightmares about my abuse, he woke with me and talked me through them. One day, he said, ‘I’d like to adopt your kids.’ Fairy tales aren’t just for the movies. I’m living one!”

‘Your parents gave you away because they didn’t want you.’ I was taken in at 19 days old. My life became a mental game of ‘Who Could Be My Birth Mother?’: Adoptee reunites with biological mom, ‘I found my long-lost soulmate’

“I received an unsealed adoption file. ‘I’m going to disrupt the lives of several families by doing this.’ I sent my contact information and waited anxiously. Everywhere I went, I looked for passing strangers that looked like me. Then, one day, my phone rang: ‘I’m so glad you found me.’ Her words lit up my entire life.”