‘My eyes were moist. ‘Margie, you made my day. We appreciate you.’ She came running down to the corner.’: 4-year-old girl becomes best friends with garbagemen, ‘This is beyond anything we ever expected’

“She wasn’t feeling well all day. When she heard them coming down the road, she asked, ‘It’s the garbage men!!! Can I go outside?’ Since that day, her love of trucks has become more about who is driving them than the truck itself. This has gone beyond anything we ever expected.”

‘I wouldn’t step out of the house in shorts or skirts because of the scars on my legs. ‘Why me?’ I was tired of crying out to God.’: Woman with rare Ollier’s Disease disorder and Scoliosis finds self acceptance, ‘I was handpicked’

“I became so caught up in trying to appear ‘normal’ I began to lose myself. At the end of the day, I felt like I was living a double life. I would often wear long sleeve shirts or jackets to hide my left arm. I wanted people to look beyond the scars and differences.”

‘He’s not going to cry! I can’t do this! HE IS NOT GOING TO CRY.’ I looked down and saw my perfect baby. I never wanted to forget his face.’: Mom of stillborn baby says, ‘I am a mom of four’

“The nurse asked me when the last time I felt the baby kick. I said, ‘2 hours. I’m sure I’m overreacting. We were put in a room at the far end of the ward. I assumed it was so we wouldn’t hear any babies cry, but I later realized it was so no one else would hear us scream and cry in the agony that was to come.”

‘I don’t think any social worker will jump to place a child with a 20-year-old, single male.’ I agreed and said, ‘I’ll be patient.’ I checked all the boxes.’: Former foster kid becomes adoptive dad to 3 boys

“They didn’t have any information other than his name. I was convinced it was a black child. Imagine my surprise to see a white child sitting at the table! I was internally panicking. At the time, he was the first white child I had ever interacted with. In the end, I agreed to take him in.”

‘Two generations ago, I would have lived in an institution.’ There’s a buzz in the air. A new day is approaching in the world of disability!’: Wife of man with cerebral palsy becomes disability advocate, ‘Let’s crack this dialogue open together’

“I was the most apprehensive, uneasy person he ever met. Me. The person who went on to marry him, and have kids and a life with him. Very simply put, I got over it. The chair, the speech impediment, all of it. I’m happy I got brave enough to get to know this whole and magnificent human.”

‘Congrats!’ No! You don’t understand! I felt awful wishing I wasn’t pregnant. I had one test, and I took it. Life would be much easier.’: Pro-life mom adjusts attitude after surprise pregnancy

“He asked, ‘Are you?’ Softly I said, ‘I am.’ I was shaking, crying, and hyperventilating. The baby I wasn’t sure I even WANTED, might not survive. All while thinking, ‘Life would be so much easier without being pregnant.’ I don’t swear much, but I definitely swore in that moment.”