“I don’t know why you made promises and didn’t follow through. I needed my friend… but you were gone.”
‘You ghosted me when my husband died. You told me I was thinking too much about myself.’: Widow hurt by friends who abandoned her and broke promises
‘Who is this stranger they placed on me? This is absolutely NOT my son.’ I couldn’t look at my husband.’: Mom to son with Down syndrome says ‘I have been so beautifully humbled’
“A scrumptious little boy was placed on my chest. I felt heart-stopping panic. ’This canNOT be my baby.’ I had prayed specifically against this. I thought things a mother should NEVER think.”
‘Is it normal to be nervous?’ I knew he wasn’t going to do a damn thing. It was not an attack on my parenting.’: Autism mom reminds special needs parents, ‘Your kid isn’t broken’
“I was convinced there wasn’t anything ‘wrong’ with my son. I would have been called a ‘refrigerator Mom,’ meaning I was cold-hearted and had ‘thawed out’ long enough to reproduce, then not showing my child love, resulting in a diagnosis.”
‘You may not be getting the best parts of kindergarten, but you’ll be getting the best parts of me.’: Kindergarten teacher shares touching letter to incoming students
“Instead of creating spaces to come together, I’m thinking of ways to keep us apart. I’m used to letting students know what the year ahead will be like, but this year not even the teacher knows what to expect. Kindergarten is coming and it feels nothing like it should.”
‘He grabbed the doctor by his white coat. ‘What did you say?!’ He looked unsettled.’: Mom births baby with Down syndrome, autism, ‘Bumpy roads can be fun too’
“My contractions started suddenly, like five-minutes apart. I froze and went into shock. I remember my nerves taking over and my body shaking uncontrollably. ‘This baby needs to come out NOW.’ My heart became so heavy, it felt like it sank, and we just held hands and cried together.”
‘A Facebook post from a former high school classmate said, ‘I’m in Stage 4 Kidney Failure.’ A voice in the back of my mind screamed, ‘It’s you…’: Woman loses 150 pounds to donate kidney, liver, ‘Our lives are forever changed’
“My phone rang. ‘You’re a match!’ I stopped breathing for a brief moment. My BMI was still too high to donate. I tipped the scales at 297 pounds. The surgeon told me, ‘You need to lose more weight.’ I’d been searching for my ‘why’ for months. She needed me, and I needed her. Someone else’s life was now in my hands. I was called to save her.”
‘We waited for age 3 to potty train. We started preschool late. We baptized when our son was old enough to understand what it means.’: Mom urges ‘move at your own pace, mama’
“The world will try to pressure you to hurry it all up. Good meaning people will chime in with advice on how to do your job better. As the world reopens and all the pressures start to return, remember, motherhood is not a sprint. It’s a marathon.”
‘Follow me to the side yard. I have a surprise.’ They were nervous. ‘I’d like you to adopt them.’: Girls befriend bakery gnomes during pandemic, get surprise adoption party
“I got a text. ‘We left the gnomes on your porch. Thank you letting them keep my daughters company through the pandemic. It was very hard for them to say goodbye. They were well loved.’ What had I done?! Tears started running down my face.”
‘They don’t live long lives.’ She had a seizure and quit breathing. Nobody could give me an explanation.’: Woman births baby with Holoprosencepaly, ‘This journey is not for the faint of heart’
“One day, she stopped eating and cried most of the morning. I thought they would send me home with Tylenol. The doctor came in and said, ‘Pack a bag and go to the hospital.’ I had to go full steam ahead.”
‘He’s totally fine.’ I knew something was up. I deleted photos of him. It’s seen as a ‘curse from God.’: Baby diagnosed with Down syndrome months after birth, ‘He is so loved’
“‘There’s nothing to worry about.’ I remember looking for clues. Nobody else did. Not the midwife, not our health visitor, not the doctors. Nobody. I didn’t want it to be true.”
‘There is no end to partpartum. No matter how long it’s been, we’ve changed in a way that can’t be undone.’: Mom urges ‘she still deserves respect and so much grace’
“My youngest is 15 months old, and I wear compression socks. My 7-year-old calls my tummy ‘squishy,’ and I can’t hide the stretch marks. I struggle with hormonal swings and anxiety that made me message two doctors and a nurse friend today. No calendar date or finish line can return anything to how it was before.”
‘You won’t carry a child.’ I never got a period. I’d memorize pill brands, so I wouldn’t flag as ‘not-quite-woman.’: Woman with MRKH Syndrome finds purpose in advocacy
“I was a child learning I would never carry a child. I had the option for treatment. I would be upstairs doing this painful and intrusive act, while my family was desperately pretending I wasn’t. I felt defected and apologetic for not being ‘complete.’”
Dear Son With Autism, Keep Making Your Happy Noises
“Laugh. Giggle. Hum. Squeal. Never stop. No matter what. Just keep being you.”
‘My son scrunched up his nose and said, ‘I’m not black.’ I immediately filled with dread. My worst fear was being realized.’: Mom to biracial, autistic son says ‘there are no easy answers’
“‘Well bud, I’m black. My Dad is black and my Mom is white. So, if I am black, you are black. Do you understand?’ He scrunched up his nose again and had this determined look in his eyes. ‘Mom, I’m not black.’ He said it so matter-of-factly and with no room for argument.”
‘I usually feel giddy. But this way of life is so sad. I wish I could be there to greet them. There is no winning.’: Teacher shares hopes and fears for distant school year, ‘Focus on the positive’
“The last thing I wanted was for a student to end the school year with a D or F. Every time I crossed a student off my list, I’d do a little victory dance in my kitchen. It’s been a mixed bag of emotions.”
‘When he outgrew cute, looks changed from compassion to disgust. Mood-altering drugs were doled out like candy.’: Special needs mom pens powerful letter, ‘He outgrew society’
“When he outgrew cute, the calls for help increased. Desperate for summer options for a 15-year-old in diapers. Desperate for anything to assist a non-verbal man child. The voices were silent. Or they whispered, ‘Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.’ When he outgrew cute, the walls caved in, and the house became a tomb.”
‘The doctor wants to speak with you.’ I always imagined what she’d look like. Now, I’m afraid to meet her.’: Mom of ‘cleft cutie’ says ‘I fell in love with her smile twice’
“When she tried to look at her face, she paused for a while. I will never forget that pause. It was like the air had been sucked out of the room. I turned away. I grieved over the vision of my daughter I had created.”
‘The girls ran outside. 10 minutes. She thought it was time to swim, so she did. We saw her fighting for breath.’: Mom thanks God for saving daughter from near-drowning experience
“The gate separating the patio from the pool was propped wide open. She went straight to the pool. My husband was first to see the horror in her face.”
‘We’ve got the eyelash extensions. We’re dribbling collagen into our coffee. We’re thinking, ‘Maybe I just need to drink more water.’: Woman urges ‘separatewho you are, from how you look’
“These products…these augmentations…these makeup-tricks…aren’t doing what we want them to do. Because what we WANT them to do is make us look 24 again. We’re years away from becoming ‘cute for their age.’ For their age. Our identity is soul-crushingly wrapped up in things that can be taken away from us.”
‘The doctor said, ‘Not to worry. It’s just the flu.’ His throat started fluttering. They worked feverishly on his little body. I couldn’t watch.’: Mom urges ‘we need to do better’ after losing son to flu
“I looked at the nurse with tears in my eyes. ‘That little boy is the only one I have.’ His eyes rolled back. The physician started sobbing. I held up my hand to push her away. ‘I need you to come in here. I need you to talk to your son.’ I took Joseph’s hand, looked into his beautiful face, and begged him to stay. ‘He’s going to just wake up. He’s going to wake up, and we’ll go home.'”
‘I cried and said, ‘Thank you.’ As I restrained my wailing 5-year-old, she finally found the vein. We both left bleary-eyed and spent.’: Special needs mom says ‘these little traumas add up in our hearts’
“These little traumas are hard to communicate. They remain mostly unseen. But they don’t leave us. We wouldn’t change our kids for anything. We wouldn’t change how they have changed us. But, damn, sometimes we wish we could lighten their loads.”
‘You can do it. You’re Norah’s mom after all.’ Our future changed. The weight of the day was so heavy.’: Mom honors late daughter with nonprofit, ‘Where there’s grief, there’s hope’
“At night, the hospital halls became so quiet. We made beds out of chairs, cots, and window ledges. Hospital living and doctor offices became our new normal. But every moment was filled with love.”
‘Don’t wait for the guy. Order the takeout, draw the boundaries. Stop buying lavish gifts for family and friends and save up for that laptop you wanted.’: Woman urges ‘happiness starts when you stop waiting’
“I wish my younger self could have told my current self that waiting is just wasted time. Happiness starts when you stop waiting for someone else to save you and make you happy.”
‘If we send our kids to school, we’re ‘selfish.’ If we keep them home, we’re ‘living in fear.’ We’re offered strong opinions from others not even in our position.’: Mom urges ‘there is no right decision’
“Some of us have already decided. For some, it was decided for us, and some, like me, are sitting right smack dab in the middle of indecision. We’re offered strong opinions from others not even in our position. And if we’re honest, we’re over it.”
‘Today my husband asked, ‘Why is there a pen in the fridge?’ I had no idea what he was talking about. ‘What kind of pen?’: Woman urges ‘we’re all losing your mind trying to keep it together’
“I’m tired of worrying. I’m tired of hearing about politics. I’m tired of trying to learn about coronavirus. I’m tired of the overwhelming amount of learning I need to do, almost daily, in order to keep up with what all is going on in the world right now. Y’all. I am tired. My tired is tired.”