‘Our foster son had been left all alone, hungry and parentless, to fend for himself. I don’t know what it’s like to go hungry, but I can give him a seat at our table.’: Foster mom talks food insecurity

“With GeQwan’s love for cooking, we’ve spent numerous hours in the kitchen trying to connect. Sometimes, in between chopping and sautéing, he would let a little scrap of his life fall on the counter between us. I don’t know what it’s like to go hungry, but I can give him a seat at our table, and let him know he is enough.”

‘Writing letters to prospective birth mothers, I began to feel nauseous. ‘Katie, you’re PREGNANT!’ I felt the blood drain from my face.’: Couple adopt homeless boy from foster care, ‘He stole our hearts, then he took our last name’

“‘Would you be willing to take in a little boy who was just born? He needs a family.’ I called the social worker back. ‘YES!’ Two days later, I met the second love of my life. A tiny, beautiful boy with the most gorgeous blue eyes I’d ever seen. The moment I laid eyes on him, my heart knew. He was my son, my missing puzzle piece.”