‘Stay home for the ultrasound.’ After 2 miscarriages, I wanted to protect my husband. ‘Well, here is Baby 1…and here is Baby 2!’ I blacked out.’: Bereaved mom births miracle preemie twin, ‘His brother’s last moments were filled with love’

“We weren’t able to see our twins. Instead, the nurse took my husband’s phone to take photos. When she handed it back she said, ‘You have two boys, but I should warn you, these pictures may seem very graphic.’ I soon learned my baby’s brain had completely split into two.”

‘I downloaded a dating app. We continued texting and never stopped. It was like a movie, where the girl goes to Europe and falls in love.’: Newly single woman travels to the UK, starts long-distance relationship

“I knew he was special when he asked me if I slept on a silk pillowcase after he’d watched an episode of ‘This Is Us.’ All of a sudden he was noticing more things about black people, black hair, black culture. And then here I came along; he wanted to know how to be the best man for me and it all started with a pillowcase. He wanted to know if I needed one so if I ever forgot mine, he’d be prepared.”

‘Why don’t I see the heartbeat?’ The room went blurry, everything was in slow motion. ‘Your baby died.’: Mom battles miscarriage, becomes pregnant with rainbow baby, ‘I could never replace you’

“I was at the gym when I got the call it was probably not a viable pregnancy. So, to take my frustration out, I went and lifted as heavily as I possibly could. The following week, I went in for blood work to make sure my numbers went to zero. When I got home, my husband and I went for a walk with Michael, and then the doctor called me. My numbers didn’t go to zero, they more than doubled.”