“Every morning, I walk to our son’s room to pick up his 40-pound body and carry him downstairs. With each step, I can feel it. As I make my way down the stairs, I start carrying more than just him. I carry gratitude.”
‘We carry a heavy load. Our bags and purses are full. What’s even harder is going to bed and unloading our shoulders.’: Special needs mom says ‘there are plenty of beautiful extras we gladly carry’
‘Sell your body, since you dress like a prostitute.’ I found my belongings on the driveway. At 17 I was FINALLY seen as a blessing.’: Adult adoptee shares foster journey, ‘I was ALWAYS their daughter’
“‘Sorry I ruined your birthday,’ I said. ‘No, you’re one of the best gifts I could ever receive!’ Her words instilled confidence in me, but her actions spoke even louder.”
‘Doctors told me, ‘It will be a painful death.’ Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I made history.’: Man shares journey with Cystic Fibrosis, becomes youngest person with CF to complete marathon’
“My mom had me put headphones on so I didn’t have to hear the heart-crushing news. I chose not to make excuses, I put every last ounce of myself into fighting.”
‘She’ll catch up in her own time!’ My instincts told me more was at play. It’s my JOB to protect her.’: Mom becomes advocate for daughter with KAND, neurological disorder, ‘We’ll ALWAYS celebrate who she is’
“‘You’ll now be Colbie’s medical experts.’ I didn’t want to hear it. I wanted to hear ‘this is how we can make it all go away.’ I chose to focus on how amazing she is.”
‘You look HOT!’ They’d say. ‘I guess this is my life now.’ I was a dimmer set to the lowest setting.’: Woman overcomes eating disorder, ‘My body is designed to keep me alive, not look a certain way’
“I felt ALIVE again, and I used this as motivation to move forward. It was my ‘aha’ moment.”
‘I don’t know who I am anymore.’ Becoming a mom is SO joyful. But the rebirth? Nothing prepares you for that.’: Mom of 4 shares importance of self-care, ‘YOU are worth the time and effort’
“Going from one to two kids rocked my world. The demands felt heavier than ever. All of the added responsibilities took priority, and I wasn’t one of them. Something had to change.”
‘Go out and have a little fun.’ People always inserted their opinions when I told them I was waiting. I chose to love my husband before I knew him.’: Woman shares love story, ‘He was worth the wait’
“He walked right up to me and said, ‘Are you the girl from the coffee shop?’ He invited me to sit with him at church. When I looked at him, the Lord said, ‘That’s your husband.’ I felt like I knew him in my heart and spirit.”
‘You’re the only one I ever felt was on my side.’ We found a broken system. Even if it changes just one life, it’s worth it.’: Foster mom shares ‘roller coaster’ journey, ‘We rise to the challenge’
“I’ll never forget the day CPS called and said, ‘The mother is accusing your family of neglect.’ I immediately felt sick to my stomach. Seeing the children reach milestones, despite the odds, makes all the background noise disappear.”
‘It’s the most natural thing in the world!’ I felt like less of a woman. Every time he fed, it felt like I was being stabbed. It was UNBEARABLE.’: New mom shares breastfeeding struggles, ‘I’m proud of my body’
“They had no idea how much pain I was in, or how little milk he was actually managing to take each time. I honestly believed we were watching our baby starve and no one was listening to us. We both knew it was me or nothing.”
‘Do you JUST stay home with the kids?’ Society has this idea that we’re living the dream in pajamas, snuggled up on the couch all day.’: Stay-at-home mom urges ‘Mama, don’t forget to take care of yourself’
“Mama, I see you. I see how selfless you’ve become. I see how you feel you’ve lost your identity. I see how you’d kill for a warm bubble bath and glass of wine in peace. Mama, me too. I’m so glad we’re not in this alone.”
‘Who’s that boy?’ I wore boys’ clothes and refused makeup. My body didn’t match what was in my head.’: Transgender man shares journey, ‘Coming out can be scary but freeing’
“I was always told I behaved like a boy, but that bounced off me. I didn’t know why I didn’t think, feel, or look like others. I came out as a lesbian and cut my hair short. Something was still missing.”
‘Becoming a mom has been the biggest obstacle of my life. ‘We’ll be the best parents if only someone will give us a chance.’ I wasn’t done with my dream.’: Couple battling infertility pursue adoption
“We felt like failures. ‘Why can’t I get pregnant? Am I being punished?’ Our hearts broke with each ’no.’ We kept pushing forward, knowing our perfect match was out there.”
‘Instead of a baby, I’ll be taking out a cyst.’ There were tumors all over my pelvic area. I was bleeding out from the inside.’: Teen cancer warrior goes into remission, urges ‘stand up for yourself’
“I had two ovarian cysts, one the size of a grapefruit. ‘They don’t need to be removed.’ They weren’t going to help me. I had to take matters into my own hands. I never thought of looking through the paperwork.”
‘I can’t live like this.’ My ovaries were the size of softballs, leaking fluid into my abdomen. My family needed me. I had to fight.’: POTS warrior shares motherhood journey, ‘You’re NOT alone’
“My husband was giving me my nightly shot, and I experienced a weird taste in my mouth. I felt like I was choking. ‘You have to keep taking it or risk losing the baby.’ Every day was a battle.”
‘It’s obviously psychological.’ Doctors dismissed my pain. I lost over 20% of my bodyweight in 8 months. I felt like a zombie.’: Chronic illness warrior finds hope, ‘I’m still fighting for answers’
“I was terrified of what my future would look like. I vomit in my mouth at least three times a day, and I can’t drink water. My migraine never went away. It’s been over 80 days without relief. The answers are out there.”
‘Just keep trying!’ My biological clock was ticking. Adoption was dead last on my list. I had NO desire to ‘share’ my child with anyone else.’: Couple pursues adoption after infertility, ‘They mended my heart’
“I viewed infertility as a problem to be solved. ‘If you choose to adopt, your child will always have two sets of parents and families. You’re just going to have to deal with it.’ So much for a spoonful of sugar with our medicine. I scribbled out ‘adoption’ as a choice.”
‘You’re a MONSTER.’ I felt like I needed to ‘win’ her love. But my dad never let me down.’: Childhood abuse survivor adopted, ‘I FINALLY feel loved’
“My dad NEVER let me down. He never promised anything he couldn’t keep. When you think about it, I had my adoptive parents my whole life. They just couldn’t call me theirs until it was legal to do so.”
‘NO! I’m not willing to give this up for ANYTHING!’ I thought no one else could love me.’: Woman finds peace after abusive relationship, ‘If your compassion does not include yourself, it’s incomplete’
“Don’t assume a man or a ring can make you feel the love and acceptance you’re longing for.”
‘Two brothers are being moved. Can you take them?’ I couldn’t get over the what-ifs. What if I fall in love with them? What if my heart is broken?’: Foster mom shares journey, ‘Our lives are forever changed’
“I kept saying ‘when we become foster parents’ and Tristan was still in the ‘if.’ I was starting to feel like this was never going to happen. Then we got a call about two brothers. With a doubt, God had called us to foster care.”
‘We’re being secretly recorded for a reality show!’ There was something wrong with me. I was completely paranoid.’: Woman with Bipolar Disorder becomes advocate, ‘It’s a constant battle’
“I was in a shoe store with my mom, talking to strangers in what I thought was Spanish. I’m not bilingual, but in my mind, I thought I knew the language. I’d been off my whole life, but I never knew why.”
‘All of the sudden, I heard a gunshot and fell to the ground. ‘I can’t feel my legs.’ I lifted my shirt to see a hole in my chest.’: Paraplegic advocates for accessibility, ‘It’s made me who I am’
“It was back to square one. I had to learn to sit up, roll over in bed, get dressed. The one single aggravating moment I remember well was trying to put on my socks, which felt like an impossible feat. It literally took over an hour. It was never easy.”
I Don’t Have A Natural Motherly Instinct, But I Am Still A Good Mom
“After 10 hours of labor, they placed her in my arms. As soon as the nurses left the room I turned to my husband and said, ‘What do we do?’ I was terrified. Everyone told me my motherly instincts would kick in. 3 years in, they still haven’t.”
‘Can you make me love my husband again?’ The therapist said, ‘Not once has he acknowledged your feelings. All he talks about is himself.’: Woman finds ‘indescribable love’ after courage to get divorce
“Here I was, recently divorced from a 19-year relationship, a single mom to 3 kids. My plan was to be alone. I was not ready for dating. Well, life doesn’t always go according to plan.”
‘We’re going to miss you. Will you visit us one day?’ It was time to take them home to their parents, for good. As I drove away, the tears came flooding.’: Single foster dad shares emotional reunification journey
“You love them through the nightmares and trauma. You hold them when their parents don’t show up. You love them so dearly, because holding back would be so much less than they deserve. When I return the child I’ve nurtured as my own, I must trust their parents will be the best they can be. If not, I will always be there waiting, with open arms and an open heart.”
‘I was called a ‘big-nosed Jew.’ I NEEDED to fit in. When I got my diagnosis, I was in denial. My disability was the first thing people saw.’: Woman with muscular dystrophy finds self-acceptance, ‘I’m unapologetically me’
“I changed my name and perfected my accent. No one knew about my past. I exercised, dieted, tanned, toned, concealed, and accentuated—all for attention. Then I noticed muscle weakness. At that moment, I knew.”