‘Who’s that?’ I turn the camera to reveal not one, but two babies. ‘We kept it a secret Dad!!’: Mom to 5 surprises dad battling prostate cancer with newborn twins, now family of 9

“I was scared to tell him about my pregnancy. Only 5 months before, I had just delivered my 5th child via c-section. He thought we were nuts. ‘Let’s hope it’s a girl this time.’ When the time came, we sent pictures of newborn Bertie, yet again another boy. But we still had a secret to reveal to everybody.”

‘Days before his 24th birthday, we received messages. ‘Jake has not shown up for work or class.’ His roommates hadn’t seen him.’: Woman navigates grief after losing brother to suicide, sister and nieces to car accident

“Exactly 2 months later, my sister and two beautiful nieces were killed in a car accident. I heard phrases like ‘everything happens for a reason’ more times than I can count. I was told my sadness was a result of my lack of gratitude and my focusing on the negative. I was encouraged to move on, to forget, to focus on the positive and live in gratitude with love.”

The Life Of An Abandoned Daughter

“I wait on the stoop in my dirty sneakers until the street lights come on. Until the sky turns shades of pink and red, the same color as my broken heart. I wait until I hear the train go over the track. I keep telling myself I’ll wait five more minutes. I wait until another car drives down my block. It’s not the right color.”