‘Just 5 months after having my third baby I heard, ‘You need to sit down. I don’t know how to say this. I’m so sorry.’: Mom of 3 beats triple negative breast cancer

“My head was urging me something wasn’t right while my heart was wanting to ignore this all and resume my normal life. ‘How is this happening to me?’ I was only 27, living a healthy lifestyle. I kept repeating, ‘I can’t leave my daughters without a mother.’ I collapsed into my husband’s arms, hysterically crying.”

Young girl turns back and looks at the camera with a gentle smile

It’s Hard Letting You Go—Please Be Patient With Me

“My once missing front tooth child with dirty knees is now ready to put on a cap and gown and fly. I gaze at you with wonder, as tears form and a smile parts my lips, for I know your future is nothing but bright.”

Mom kisses her daughter's forehead while she smiles

‘Tell her,’ I whispered to my daughter as she pressed her body against mine. The cashier’s face lit up.’: Mom shares beautiful moment daughter learns ‘the power in raising others up’

“With a brilliant smile the cashier said, ‘You made my day.’ As I walked out of the store, holding my daughter’s hand, I stole a glance back at the young woman. Her energy was brighter now than it had been when we first entered her line. In this very moment, my daughter learned the power in raising others up.”

Mom snaps a photo of her four daughters as they walk to the bus stop for school

‘No boy? Their daddy is going to have a hard time when they are teens, watch out!’: Mom to four girls powerfully responds to gender remarks from strangers, urges ‘words matter’

“At first it didn’t bother me, the stares or the questions, but then it started to chip away at me. With each comment, my daughters would silently absorb a stranger making me feel less because we were a large family of girls. With each question, my daughters would internalize something they couldn’t yet grasp.”

‘We received the call. ‘You’re the chosen home for a girl and boy ages 1 and 2.’ DHS labeled their case ‘Shocking and Heinous.’: Mom candidly shares emotional sibling adoption journey

“They had been taken away from all they knew, too young to understand what was happening. Too young to ask why. They had no idea who we were and why they were in our home. It didn’t matter what color our skin was, how much money we had, or where we lived – it was about love. It was about fighting to give them a better future.”