First time mom snuggles her sleeping newborn son during a photoshoot

‘Am I going to throw up? Surprise! It’s s—t. There’s diarrhea all over. My husband is helping me with my hospital gown while simultaneously WIPING MY ASS.’: Mom hilariously recounts precipitous labor experience

“Doctor finally comes. ‘I NEED DRUGS! WHERE IS THE EPIDURAL MAN? TELL HIM I NEED HIM.’ I am screaming, begging, pleading. The doctor smiles at me while the nurses put an IV in my arm. They tell me they need to check to make sure my water broke. I spread my legs and they can already see my baby’s head. 7 centimeters dilated. F–k…me.”

‘After six long months grieving the end of my 8-year relationship, I walked into a hotel bar. ‘Can I sit with you while I wait for a friend?’: Woman shares ‘whirlwind’ love story

“I walked in, independent and confident, scanning the tables, wondering who would be interesting to talk with. As my rational mind kicked in, I said to myself, ‘What are you doing here? Who goes to a bar alone?’ About to walk out, I noticed a table with three people. One small choice would change the course of my existence.”

Sweet Child, May We Forever Be Each Other’s Constant

“‘Mama, can you rest with me?’ She points to her chest and has me lay my head down. Oh, the sweet sound of her breath. Her soft hands gently stroking my hair as we lay in silence. Her hands comforting and soothing this restless heart of mine. One night, the air will be silent, only filled with a hug and a kiss goodnight.”

‘How did we get here?’ After 12 years, we turned into unrecognizable strangers. I was 27, a mom to the sweetest boy, and getting divorced. This wasn’t the plan.’: Single mom takes the risk, meets ‘knight in shining armor’ on Tinder

“My friend encouraged me to make a dating profile. ‘Find 3 guys you feel a connection with, give 2 your number, and go on a date with 1… ‘ I found myself driving towards Applebee’s, my heart racing. I just wanted to get ‘this’ going or over with, then my phone rings. ‘Ashton – Cute Tinder Guy’ flashes across my phone screen.  Time and my breathing stop.”