“When we turned the corner he said, ‘Home.’ I smiled, ‘Yeah, buddy, that’s home.’ When I signed the adoption papers, I burst into tears.”
‘Three days before Christmas, my phone rang at 8 a.m. ‘When can you get them?’ I stood in the hallway, frozen.’: Foster, adoptive mom thanks mother for support, ‘I had a great example’
‘Stop begging God to take this away from you. He gave it to you for a purpose.’: LGBT woman pens powerful letter to past self after coming out of closet
“Right now, I know it seems like there’s no escape. That no matter how hard you try, how fast you run, how fiercely you try to claw your way to freedom from yourself, you sink deeper and deeper into the quicksand of shame and self-resentment. Dear Kahrin, you don’t believe this now, but you will be loved.”
We’re Not All Raising Our Kids The Same Way, But We All Need Grace Just The Same
“Because underneath that messy toddler t-shirt is a child whose mother loves him, whether he eats vegetables or dino nuggets. Whether he’s unruly or well-behaved at the store. Whether the house is spotless or dirty.”
Dear Generational Curse Breakers, You Did It—You Freed Your Family From Hurt And Pain
“Not just for yourself, not just for your own child. You changed the path for all of those to come. I hope you take a second to show yourself love, a second to say, ‘I did it. It stopped here,’ out loud.”
‘When the house is quiet. When the laundry units are empty and there are no crumbs left to clean, no fights to break up. What will it be like?’: Mom urges ‘we get one shot at this, let’s not miss’
“When all the kids are gone, it won’t be like this. It won’t be like now. Mamas…we get one shot at this. Let’s not miss.”
‘You can’t pour from an empty cup. You ARE the cup, mama.’: Stay at home mom shares journey balancing work and individuality
“They throw tantrums over the most ridiculous things. They hit you and laugh in your face when you get hurt. But after all that, they come running when they have a boo-boo and want to be kissed goodnight. Stay-at-home-moms get a bad rep, but it’s the HARDEST job I’ve ever had.”
‘Are you kidding?’ I was standing in the spot where my dad died, almost 35 years later.’: Woman who lost dad in accident finds amazing connection to stranger, ‘He was there for a reason’
“’Do you realize your dad’s intersection is only 25 miles away?’ I was sweating, and my heart was racing. Then, the lady handed the phone to Trent. It hit me HARD.”
‘I received an email from a stranger. ‘I’ve known about you all your life and looked for you for YEARS.’: Woman reconnects with birth family, creates jewelry brand representing hope
“I mustered up the courage to contact my biological father for the first time. I watched my phone for days and finally got the notification that the letter had been delivered. I was excited but worried about reopening old wounds. The next day, I got an email.”
‘Something’s off with your scans.’ We left in shock. This body wasn’t MINE anymore.’: Stage 4 endometriosis warrior has 2 miracle babies, ‘Kids are like having your heart on the outside of your body’
“People don’t talk about ‘women issues.’ ‘So many people out there have it WORSE.’ You’re labeled as dramatic, and doctors disregard what you’re feeling.”
‘Hold her and look at her.’ The daughter I thought we’d have died, but my heart melted.’: Mom says daughter with Down Syndrome is a ‘blessing’
“My whole body went numb, and I struggled to remain conscious. Our little girl was in distress.“
‘I let my pain lead—it worked until it didn’t.’: Widow, toxic relationship survivor says ‘I can’t look backward anymore’
“A year ago, I was in a camper at the beach with a gun in my mouth. I would’ve missed so many opportunities to be happy.”
‘You’ll get over it.’ She patted me on the back and left. I’d never felt so alone in my life.’: Woman shares journey with chronic stress, anxiety, ‘There is hope’
“Oh, my God. I could’ve died!’ I didn’t recognize my mental breakdown until I nearly stepped in front of a speeding bus.”
My Toddler Fatally Drowned—Here’s What I Need You To Know
“We need to be kinder to each other, less judgmental, more compassionate. As mothers, as parents, and as people.”
‘Have an extra purse? Give it to a homeless woman.’: California teen starts charity to shed light on supporting women experiencing homelessness
“My post surpassed 3 million views. So many people wanted to donate and support in any way they could, it was so overwhelming to me and my phone!”
‘Sometimes, I felt in control. Then I was a prisoner in my own head.’: Mom battles antidepressants, misdiagnoses to find ‘understanding’ of PMDD
“I was unhinged. I used to imagine watching my children from heaven, making sure they were safe. I would visit the doctor, pleading for someone to help me. I didn’t know what was wrong with me.”
‘I decided to STOP just surviving and TAKE CONTROL. I started a community to bless others with what I received.’: Mother co-founds group for moms of kids with special needs
“We wanted a place of refuge. A place where people could share in changing the narrative surrounding what a life with a child with special needs is like. We wanted others to let go of their expectations and allow their children to surprise them with their resilience.”
‘I want to be a single mom by choice.’ I hadn’t planned to tell anyone. ‘Will you wait until we can be together?’: After 10-year infertility battle, woman becomes mom, finds love
“‘This is a night I will remember for the rest of my life.’ We didn’t know each other well enough to get married, but we felt we could parent together.”
This Is What It Takes For Moms To Go ANYWHERE With Young Kids
“5 bags!!! Why??? Because he was tired, thirsty, hungry, wanted to go on the swing, wanted to go back in the water…Those 5 bags display the mind of a mother.”
‘Here…AND HERE!’ The reality of having TWINS hit me. I cried alone at night, thinking I wasn’t doing enough.’: Single mom by choice delivers twins, shares parenting journey
“The second Jackson was put on my chest, it all became real. I didn’t have that instant bond a lot of women talk about. I dreaded the time I would be by myself with the boys. Every day is a struggle, but I can’t imagine my life without them.”
‘Don’t eat too much, boys don’t like FAT girls.’: Woman shares journey from eating disorder to body positivity, ‘My weight may fluctuate, but my worth will not’
“Having been at least 80 pounds lighter than I am now, I wake up with more energy and zest for life than I EVER did back then. I wouldn’t trade my fat body for anything in the world.”
‘You have 2 years left to live.’ Friends prayed for me, and it TRANSFORMED my life.’: Mother surpasses all expectations battling stage 4 cancer while raising son with autism
“Two of my friends from church prayed for my pain to go away. The day after they prayed, the pain I felt VANISHED. I began focusing on ALL the blessings in my life.”
‘I don’t make twins.’ He accused me of having an affair. I didn’t know it should have been different.’: Abuse survivor finds ‘loud purpose’ advocating for others’ voices
“I began to speed toward the rail. Right before I hit it, I heard a sniffle. ‘This is not how it ends.’ I knew I had a purpose to live for.”
‘I finally came out to my mom. ‘I GUARANTEE you won’t have a happy life!’: Woman accepts sexuality, opens queer business, urges ‘it’s okay to cut people out of your life’
“’You better NOT be gay! I hope you find a man who will sweep you off your feet!’ I could NEVER be in a relationship with a girl.”
‘On my birthday, I drank whatever was in arm’s reach. The day after marked six months since we lost Adelaide.’: Mom shares grief journey through the pandemic
“I would have masked my grief with make-up and pretty clothes, attended all the events, and popped dangerous amounts of Xanax. But with Covid, there was nowhere to go, no mask to hide under, no excuse to avoid my grief.”
‘I don’t know how you’re alive.’ If I’d gone home, I would have died in my sleep.’: Woman survives pulmonary embolisms, urges ‘always listen to your body’
“’Oh, you are a gym rat! Your legs are always sore.’ I was a workaholic, so with my chest hurting and shortness of breath, I finished my shift. ‘I feel like I am going to die.’”